On Aug. 20, Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan staff, led by the General Manager Hendrik Beye, joined Fuller Center for Housing Armenia team in the village of Sisavan, to help build a home for Aloyan family.

It is the tenth year that Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan has joined forces with Fuller Center for Housing Armenia team. “Marriott’s spirit to serve makes our culture more vibrant, our business stronger and the world a better place. Investing in the communities where we do business is at the core of Marriott’s ‘Spirit To Serve Our Communities’ corporate social responsibility strategy. Our commitment to society blends financial contributions with in-kind giving of products and services, and the volunteer service of our associates around the world,” said Beye.
The Aloyans are a family of 11. Sargis and his wife, Anie, together with their two children, live with Sargis’s parents and brothers’ families—11 people in a three-room-house. The family started building a house for Sargis and his family four years ago.
“I could not even imagine that buiding a home could be such a memorable and happy process. I have dreamed of having a home long time. I could not even imagine that other people, people other than our relatives or friends, would come and do the work of a week in a day. Thank you,” said Sargis Aloyan.
“Perhaps the most desirable dream of each family is having a home. It is nice to see children’s enthusiasm, the great excitement of adults, and the commitment of our loyal partner to help another family in need of decent housing,” said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan
Last year, the Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan team helped build Fuller Center for Housing Armenia’s 450th home. By the end of the year the number will be increased by 100.
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