Providence ARF Celebrates 128th Anniversary

CRANSTON, Rhode Island—The Providence Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) “Kristapor” Gomidehoutiun celebrated the 128th Anniversary of the ARF earlier this month.

Chairman Unger Hagop Donoyan welcomed close to 100 guests at the Cranston Country Club and introduced the master of ceremonies, Unger Garo Tashian.  

The Yerakouyn Band presented the national anthems of the United States of America and Armenia and Mshag Panvor.

Der Hayr Kapriel Nazarian of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church offered words of encouragement to the organization for playing a prominent role in the community throughout the decades and blessed the dinner.  

Unger George Aghjayan, Chairman of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Eastern Region of the United States was the guest speaker.

Unger George discussed the formation of the ARF and the visionaries that put in writing an ideology and program that we follow to this day. He focused on the emblem of the organization and discussed why the pen, the sword and the shovel serve as important symbols for this organization.

He noted on more than one occasion that our members are all committed to the organization and that we are all equal no matter what level we reach.

He spoke of those from our community who inspired him as a young man, members like deceased Ungers Mal and John Varadian and of current members like Unger Ani Haroian and Unger John Mkrtschjan who have gone beyond the call of duty for the betterment of the ARF.

Unger Tashian concluded the speaking portion of the evening with the traditional momavaroutioune (cake lighting) to help raise funds for the organization.

Entertainment was provided in the form of traditional and nationalistic music by Shant Massoyan, Raffi Massoyan and Unger Raffi Rachdouni of the Yerakouyn Band. Guests enjoyed listening and singing along to the inspiring ARF revolutionary and patriotic songs throughout the the evening.

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