A Jan. 25 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) declaration condemned mining projects in Armenia that disregard the rights of citizens. Among the 44 signatories, 2 are representatives from Armenia: Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun (ARF-D) MP Armen Rustamyan and Heritage Party MP Zaruhi Postanjyan.

The statement accused the Armenian government of “violating its international obligations, such as Article 1 of the Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, the Aarhus Convention, as well as Armenian legislation, by considering the agricultural lands of community and private ownership as being under the public supreme interest, against the will of their owners and the general public, [and] forcefully tak[ing] those lands from their owners, chang[ing] their purpose and turn[ing] thousands of hectares over to mining, including the Teghut mine.”
“The ARF faction in parliament many times addressed the government with demands to improve the eco situation and is going to soon organize public hearings on that topic,” ARF Bureau member and ARF parliamentary bloc chairman Vahan Hovhannesyan told the Armenian Weekly. “The ecology of Armenia is one of the most important issues for our party. Our policy on it will be included in our electoral platform.”
“The ARF has always supported the demands of the environmental movements to establish a transparent procedure in using natural resources,” he added.
The Teghhut Forest is located in Armenia’s northern Lori province. Activists say mining will have adverse effects on the region. They are concerned that mining waste will be dumped into the Duqanadzor River Gorge, which will contaminate the water supply. Meanwhile, inhabitants of the village of Kajaran in the southern Syunik province face losing around 600 hectares of communal land to the mining industry, which will reportedly drive 131 families off their properties. The governor of Syunik, Suren Khachatryan, is said to have shares with Cronimet, the German-owned molybdenum mining company that holds the contract for mining in the area, along with two smaller Armenian companies. Environmentalists also worry that birth defects will increase, as they say happened in the case of Alaverdi, where 9 years of mining activities were linked to over 100 cases of birth defects.
Below is the text of the PACE declaration, along with the names of the 44 signatories.
Doc. 12847
25 January 2012
Condemnation of the man-made ecological disaster project of Teghut
Written Declaration No. 503
This written declaration commits only the members who have signed it.
The Armenian Government, violating its international obligations, such as Article 1 of the Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, the Aarhus Convention, as well as Armenian legislation, by considering the agricultural lands of community and private ownership as being under the public supreme interest, against the will of their owners and the general public, forcefully takes those lands from their owners, changes their purpose and turns thousands of hectares over to mining, including the Teghut mine.
According to independent experts, the damage caused to nature by the exploitation of the Teghut mine will be immeasurable, as not only thousands of hectares of forest and rich biodiversity included in the “Red Book” will be lost, but also about 500 million tons of poisoned waste full of heavy metals and about 600 million tons of other kinds of waste will be produced.
According to a decision of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ACCC/C/2009/43), the decisions of the Government of Armenia regarding the exploitation of the mine in Teghut and its adjacent territory does not comply with the Aarhus Convention.
We strongly condemn the continuing violations of the international obligations of the Armenian government and we demand that all decisions regarding the Teghut mining exploitation be considered invalid.
POSTANJYAN Zaruhi, Armenia, EPP/CD
BRAUN Marton, Hungary, EPP/CD
CIGANE Lolita, Latvia, EPP/CD
CONDE Agustin, Spain, EPP/CD
CONNARTY Michael, United Kingdom, SOC
EKES Jozsef, Hungary, EPP/CD
FLYNN Paul, United Kingdom, SOC
FRITZ Erich Georg, Germany, EPP/CD
FRUNDA Gyorgy, Romania, EPP/CD
GARDETTO Jean-Charles, Monaco, EPP/CD
GRUBER Attila, Hungary, EPP/CD
GUTU Ana, Republic of Moldova, ALDE
HOPPAL Peter, Hungary, EPP/CD
KALMAR Ferenc, Hungary, EPP/CD
KUBATA Vaclav, Czech Republic, EPP/CD
KUBOVIC Pavol, Slovak Republic, EPP/CD
MARIN Christine, France, EPP/CD
MATUSIC Frano, Croatia, EPP/CD
MAYER Edgar, Austria, EPP/CD
NESSA Pasquale, Italy, EPP/CD
NYKIEL Miroslawa, Poland, EPP/CD
OMTZIGT Pieter, Netherlands, EPP/CD
O’REILLY Joseph, Ireland, EPP/CD
PERNASKA Lajla, Albania, EPP/CD
PFISTER Gerhard, Switzerland, EPP/CD
PFLUG Johannes, Germany, SOC
PRESECNIK Jakob, Slovenia, EPP/CD
PUCHE Gabino, Spain, EPP/CD
RUSTAMYAN Armen, Armenia, SOC
SANTINI Giacomo, Italy, EPP/CD
SOBOLEV Serhiy, Ukraine, EPP/CD
TOSHEV Latchezar, Bulgaria, EPP/CD
VAREIKIS Egidijus, Lithuania, EPP/CD
VARVITSIOTIS Miltiadis, Greece, EPP/CD
VERCAMER Stefaan, Belgium, EPP/CD
ZBONIKOWSKI Lukasz, Poland, NR
EPP/CD: Group of the European People’s Party
SOC: Socialist Group
ALDE: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
EDG: European Democratic Group
UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
NR: not registered in a group
Hi Nanore,
Thank you so much for keeping us in Armenia informed about what’s happening in Armenia and outside world.
Business as usual from thief Armenians…who cares that precious forests will be ruined, or that 131 families will be robbed out of their property or the contamination that will cause long lasting birth defects,, as long as Governor Suren Khachatryan and his thug cronies are lining their pockets…
I blame President Sarkisian 100%..The fish stinks from the head…These people will sell their mothers for money…
If you care to learn more about this issue, visit …
Short term profits by leaders, very similar to our stock market scandals, can have the end result of eventually destroying the country. We can’t continue to look away from these kinds of things which have been going on in one form or another from the very beginning of independence.. This is what happens when there are no checks and balances in government.