ANCA Welcomes French Senate Recognition of Artsakh Independence

Urges US leaders to Recognize Artsakh to Ensure Safety and Security of Region’s Indigenous Armenian population

WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) today welcomed the French Senate’s 305-1 vote recognizing the independence of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh), calling upon the US administration and Congressional leaders to take similar action, as part of a broader U.S. effort to mediate a fair and lasting peace in the region.

“We welcome the French Senate’s overwhelming recognition of Artsakh and encourage the United States – as a fellow OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair country – to join in recognizing Artsakh’s status as a free and independent republic,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.

“Aliyev’s Azerbaijan – guilty of weeks of non-stop war crimes against the citizens of Artsakh – lacks any legal, political or moral standing to oppose international recognition of Artsakh independence, an essential part of remedial efforts to ensure the safety of its at-risk population.”

Hamparian spoke on Facebook Live and encouraged pro-Artsakh advocates to urge President Trump, President-Elect Biden, Senators, and House members to recognize Artsakh.

US Congressional calls for recognition for Artsakh increased in October, following Turkey and Azerbaijan’s brutal 45-day onslaught against Armenia and Artsakh which ended in a disastrous November 9th ceasefire deal, forcing over 100,000 from their homes and the return of lands which served as a buffer against Aliyev’s aggression.

Congressional Armenian Caucus co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and a bipartisan group of over 40 US House members are spearheading legislation (H.Res.1203) calling for international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh as the foundation for lasting peace in the Caucasus region.  The resolution – which enjoys strong support from the ANCA — also condemns Azerbaijan and Turkey’s ongoing attacks on Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh, urges the zeroing out of military aid to Azerbaijan, calls for Artsakh’s direct participation in ongoing OSCE mediated peace talks, and, more broadly, urges the easing of travel and communication restrictions between the US and the Artsakh Republic. A resolution (H.Res.1165) , led by Armenian Caucus co-Chair Jackie Speier (D-CA), which condemns Azerbaijan and Turkey’s aggression against Armenia and Artsakh has over 100 cosponsors.

In the Senate, Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Bob Menendez (D-NJ) introduced two measures (S.Res.754 and S.Res.755) which focus on Turkey and Azerbaijan’s repression at home and aggression abroad, and, when passed, would block the sale of U.S military equipment to the Aliyev and Erdogan regimes.

Senate and House member records of support for Artsakh since the September 27th Azerbaijani and Turkish attacks are available on

French Senate First International Federal Body to Call for Artsakh Recognition

French Senators Bruno Retailleau (LR), Hervé Marseille (centrist), Patrick Kanner (PS), Eliane Assassi (majority Communist CRCE), and Guillaume Gontard (environmentalist) led passage of the Artsakh recognition resolution today, which received the support of five of eight political parties represented in the upper chamber.  Two hours of debate included remarks by some 12 members of the Senate, who extolled the importance of Artsakh recognition in addition to condemning Azerbaijan and Turkey’s attacks against Artsakh, calling for high levels of French humanitarian aid to assist those displaced by Aliyev’s attacks, urging an investigation of war crimes committed against the Artsakh population and the use of illegal munitions, and sanctioning Turkey.  The resolution also urged the expansion of French participation within the OSCE Minsk Group framework to negotiate a lasting peace for Artsakh which respects the 1994 ceasefire borders, ensures the security of the Armenian populations and the right of return of displaced persons, as well as the preservation of Armenian cultural and religious heritage.

Representing the government, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, France’s state minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, cautioned the senators about the ramifications of France’s recognition of Artsakh, saying that France, a co-chairing country of the OSCE Minsk Group, could lose its objectivity in the ongoing negotiations process. He also cited the fact that Armenia has not recognized Artsakh.

The ANC of France welcomed the French Senate’s unprecedented action.

“This is a historic vote for international efforts for the recognition of Artsakh,” said Jules Boyadjian, Chairman of the Committee for the Defense of the Armenian Cause (ANC of France).

“Thanks to the Senate, France has regained part of its honor, which has been squandered for the past six weeks because of its criminal neutrality. The government, more isolated than ever, must listen to the nation’s representatives, put an end to empty speeches, pull itself together and take the lead in the fight for the recognition of Artsakh—the only guarantee for lasting peace in Nagorno-Karabakh,” added Boyadjian.

Artsakh recognition legislation has also been introduced in the French National Assembly and is set to be considered on December 3rd.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian-American grassroots organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.


  1. This is not the proper time; when we needed the recognition desperately they didn’t; now when game is over; they came with sympathy. Moreover, French Foreign Minister rejected the senate decision of recognition of Artsakh. This is simply insulting our people, how long we’re being used by this so called super power. Stop playing game with us please.

  2. Think peace and reconciliation not further aggression. Azerbaijan regained lands recognized as Azeri and backed up by numerous UN resolutions asking Armenia to withdraw. Do not let a toxic part of the diaspora who benefit from hatred drive policies. We can live in peace.

    • Look who is talking about toxicity. You can try and fool some people but we are fully aware what your schoolbooks say and how five generations of turks and now two generations of azeris were raised on literal fascist ideology. We are also aware that, unlike us who won in 94 and let things be, you will never let go. Any even short glance in history books will tell you that. You decided for over 100 years now that you want us eradicated and so unless that is achieved this year will have been just another chapter.

  3. Biggest mistake made was not annexing Karabakh back in 1994-95 when we emerged victorious over the Azeri Turks! If Artsagh is Armenian and our people by the thousands gave their lives fighting …..a much longer and more brutal war than what this recent fiasco turned out to be….I still cannot believe how we helped the Azeris win this war quickly by making mistakes both politically and more importantly militarily! Everyone knew that this war was coming …..we saw the Azeris and the Turks set up for the fight and we knew they were using attack drones! If I knew this then shame on the military for not being prepared! What have they been doing for the last 30 years not recognizing Artsagh and looting the military budget to put money in their own bank accts? Our people need to change and the change has to be socially! Enough doing what’s good for the individuals and enough greed! Money is not our god! Shame on those who put our nation second to their own interests! And although I do like what Pashinyan set out to do…..he has disappointed me personally by not taking any responsibility for his failures! He blames those who came before him, he points fingers and arrests his opposition but will not even once admit to making even one mistake in judgement that contributed to this disaster! Perhaps Armenia doesn’t need a democracy? What kind of democracy arrests all its opposition and those that speak freely and protest? And by the way all of these guys currently in power and those that came before them took money from anyone who would open their wallet! Enough foreign meddling in Armenia ! Enough NGOs and Soros funds! Have some dignity and say “Armenian Interests are not
    For sale!!!! Enough Playing and courting the West and the EU/NATO; these two have done nothing but blow hot air …..words are meaningless in wartime! The Russians like them or not are the only ally we have that will guarantee Armenian statehood ….And had Pashinyan courted the Russians instead of playing with the US and EU…..and had Armenia taken the step to recognize Artsagh then I do believe Russian help would have been there and this situation could have been avoided! Now we must prepare for the next war ….the war that will see Armenia reclaiming it’s greatness and the diaspora must move back to Armenia and help make our country great again! Imagine if 10 million Armenians moved back to Armenia!

    • Sure, I’ll move there the second we have political stability. Alas, living with the same people who knew or ought to have known the basic premise you described and still went ahead and elected Pashinyan and didn’t get rid of him after the Russians leaked the phone calls regarding the CSTO secretary’s situation? Hardly… not people that can be collectively trusted with my future. Now you’re right about the West and its damaging influence – if you got a strongman like Aliev ruling Armenia for the next decades… I might consider it. How people can be so naive to believe democracy works without solid economic fundamentals is beyond me. Sure, in 1995 that ignorance may have been excusable but in the post 2010 world? Crazy.

    • By the way, as to your later point – a fake democracy does that. You’re clearly too knowledgable to believe a phoney revolution led to a democracy. With the age of social media and educational backwardness, democracy works even less than before. Prime example for that? Our PM’s rise to power. By the way, trying to make this a democracy vs. autocracy thing… pretty pathetic. Firstly, even if it was an actual democracy, the West has shown it does not care in the face of oil and other interests. Secondly, especially if it were an actual democracy, that would mean uncertainty for Russia which again – not a good thing. Emotions and morals aside, I personally would much rather work with a Aliev the kleptocrat than with our last four heads of state – predictability and reliability go a long way. Especially when lubed with oil money.

  4. The third Karabakh war will see Armenia with its 1000 drone fleet deal a crushing defeat to the Azeri Turks ….turkey better get ready for 10 million Azeri refugees. Baku is Armenia!

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