“It is with thanks to Almighty God, and with appreciation to my family and friends who have supported my research that I have the pleasure to announce the inauguration of the first English-language, online edition of the ‘Jashots-kirk’, the Lectionary, which contains all of the Bible readings prescribed by the Armenian Apostolic Church for every day of the year.”
The Rev. Dr. George A. Leylegian, Archdeacon in the Prelacy, has devoted the past 40 years to compiling ancient manuscript data stretching back into the second century, assembling the details and constructing the first critical edition of the system and sequence of Bible readings which form the heart of the liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church. For the first time, Armenians who speak English will be able to access the complete citations for each day of the calendar year from their computers and iPhones.
“Over the past two millennia, Armenians have constructed magnificent cathedrals and mystic monasteries and homey village churches which sadly have frequently been plundered and destroyed. And yet, the system for reading the Holy Bible has miraculously been preserved, with very few changes, over the past two thousand years. Regardless of geographic location or century or size of the congregation, every church has a treasured copy of the Lectionary in the chancel. Armenians are united worldwide by a single liturgy through the Lectionary system which is unique to our church.”
The new website includes precise Bible citations for each reading, expanded directions for liturgy usage on each day, extensive notes and instructional guides, and several appendices with detailed information on the history of the Lectionary.
“My prayer and hope is that the online edition will be useful to our clergy, our Sunday School faculty and every person who is interested in reading the Holy Bible and learning more about the beauty of our Holy Church. The formal ‘Jashotskirk’ is written in Classical Armenian. Now, the online edition makes all of the information readily available to everyone who speaks English. I hope that the translation will be helpful, and that people will find the information beneficial in their daily spiritual lives.”
My Armenian language skills are slow in developing, but I am slowly “getting there”. Thank you Reverend Dr. Leylegian for your great work on these liturgical tones of the Armenian Church and the Armenian lectionary in English so more people can use them in their churches in all places. I am looking for Armenian texts in both languages (English and Eastern Armenian). I am wondering if their is an Armenian/English Psalter(?).
any Extracaenonicals?