SOUTHFIELD, Mich.—The Armenian Relief Society (ARS) “Tzolig” chapter of Greater Detroit, celebrated the Paregentan (Mardi Gras) weekend on Feb. 10, with comedian and entertainer Kev Orkian, at the Armenian St. John’s Church Banquet Hall in Southfield.
In spite of a snowstorm and blistering cold weather, the community had come out to see—and laugh with—the London-based entertainer.
The evening started with the blessing of the food by Der Hrant Kevorkian. After dinner, ungerouhi Tamitza Dakessian opened the program by inviting ungerouhi Helena Bardakjian to sing the American, Armenian, and ARS anthems.
Ungerouhi Dakessian then welcomed attendees and thanked them for being present despite the unfavorable weather conditions. She then gave a brief report about the organization’s various projects and the “Tzolig” chapter’s involvement in regional and international ARS efforts. The ungerouhi then thanked all the chapter’s supporters and members, who worked hand in hand to make the event a success for the ARS.
Part of the proceeds from the event will be donated to an ARS-funded military hospital in Yerevan
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