WikiLeaks: Stepping Out of Ottoman Archives, Diplomat Says ‘We Really Slaughtered Them!’

(A.W.)—The Ottoman archives are undergoing a purging campaign to destroy all incriminating evidence relating to the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23, say scholars. According to one source, the evidence—at one time or another—indicated that what transpired in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire was purely and simply a “slaughter.”
According to Sabanci University Professor Halil Berktay, there have been “two serious efforts to ‘purge’ the archives of any incriminating documents on the Armenian question,” wrote Consul General David Arnett on July 4, 2004, in a WikiLeaks-released cable originating from the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul. The first, according to Berktay and others, took place in 1918. During the 1919 Turkish Military Tribunals, it was revealed that documents had been “stolen” from the archives.
According to Arnett, Berktay believes that a second round of house-cleaning was carried out in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, during Turgut Ozal’s prime ministership and presidency, as he undertook efforts to open the archives. Around that same time period a group of retired generals and diplomats—led by Muharrem Nuri Birgi, a former Turkish ambassador to London and NATO, and secretary general of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs—went through the archives, in an effort to destroy the evidence.
“Berktay claims that at the time he was combing the archives, Nuri Birgi met regularly with a mutual friend and at one point, referring to the Armenians, ruefully confessed: ‘We really slaughtered them,’” Arnett wrote. He added that the director of the American Research Institute in Turkey, Tony Greenwood, who had been researching the archives around the same time, divulged that “it was well known that a group of retired military officers had privileged access and spent months going through archival documents.”
According to another Turkish scholar, Arnett wrote, the ongoing cataloging process is a guise to purge the archives.
The cable then discussed Turkey’s need to hold on to the artificially constructed “Turkish identity,” which dates back to Ataturk and his cohorts, as an essential component of the modern Republic of Turkey.
“Decades of official denial and the absence of historical accounts or academic debate within Turkey on this taboo issue have deprived Turks today of an objective context in which to process assertions of genocide,” wrote Arnett, who subsequently noted that while traveling through central and eastern Anatolia, “ordinary citizens” would often openly speak about “what their grandfathers did to the Armenians.”
Arnett also noted that an essay competition had been set up by the Turkish Ministry of Education to deny the genocide—an idea, according to Berktay, devised by the “nationalist” thinktank ASAM.
The current government’s stance, Arnett said, is more muted than earlier governments’, although it still parrots the mantra, “Leave the issue for historians to discuss.”
At the end of the cable, Arnett argues that it is unlikely a noticeable shift will occur in the Turkish government’s stance on the genocide. He claims, however, that creating a more conducive environment to dialogue is possible, and that it is important to encourage unobstructed access to the archives.
The full text of the cable is below.
US embassy cable – 04ISTANBUL1074
Identifier: | 04ISTANBUL1074 |
Origin: | Consulate Istanbul |
Created: | 2004-07-12 09:01:00 |
Classification: | CONFIDENTIAL |
Tags: | PREL PGOV AM TU Istanbul |
Redacted: | This cable was not redacted by Wikileaks. |
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/11/2014
TAGS: PREL, PGOV, AM, TU, Istanbul
Classified By: Consul General David Arnett for Reasons 1.5 (b&d)
This is a joint CG Istanbul/Embassy Ankara message.
1. (sbu) Summary: The lack of agreement and dialogue on the so-called Armenian “genocide” question remains a major obstacle to Turkish-Armenian rapprochement. A long-term resolution of this problematic issue can only be built on an open dialogue and healthy academic debate. Free and complete access to the Ottoman archives, one of the primary repositories for historical evidence during this period, will be critical to building the mutual trust needed for such a debate. Although Turkey has made great strides to open the archives and destigmatize the issue, persistent problems and doubts about the archives continue to undermine efforts to bridge the gulf of misunderstanding between Armenians and Turks on this historical question. End Summary.
2. (u) The most significant obstacle to Turkish-Armenian reconciliation remains a lack of agreement or even healthy dialogue on the Armenian “question” or what most Turks refer to as the “supposed genocide.” The accusations, denials, and counter-accusations on this issue have long obscured most genuine academic debate. Armenian diaspora scholars have amassed scores of eyewitness accounts and narratives detailing the tragic events of 1915-16 that they claim amounted to a genocide of as many as 1.5 million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Turkish historians, meanwhile, have argued that no more than a few hundred thousand Armenians were killed by bandits, disease, and harsh conditions when, in response to the threat posed by Armenian insurgents (and the “massacre” of many Turkish Muslims), much of the Armenian population was deported to Syria and Lebanon.
A Question of Identity
3. (sbu) In addition to thousands of years of recorded history, a rich cultural heritage, and a vibrant Church, for Armenians around the world the 1915-16 events remain a crucial component of their modern identity. Although some Armenians have at times sought retribution through terror and violence (including ASALA terrorism in the 1970s), focus has shifted to a tireless political campaign for recognition of the events as genocide.
4. (sbu) The Turkish approach to the Armenian issue is complex. From the inception of the Republic, Ataturk and his establishment heirs have asserted that maintenance of a “Turkish identity” — which Ataturk and his circle developed as an artificial construct and which his political heirs claim is under threat from domestic and foreign enemies — is essential to the preservation and development of the Republic. Representatives of both the Turkish state and every government to date believe that acknowledging any wrongs inflicted on the Armenians would call into question Turkey’s own claims of victimization and its borders, and would make Turkey vulnerable to claims for indemnity. Decades of official denial and the absence of historical accounts or academic debate within Turkey on this taboo issue have deprived Turks today of an objective context in which to process assertions of genocide.
Are the Archives Open?
5. (sbu) Both sides have attempted to use the Ottoman Archives to support their version of events. The Turks have published volumes of documents to bolster their case, while Armenian scholars charge that the Turkish government’s obstruction of free access to the archives suggests that they are hiding the “smoking gun” that would prove the genocide. Armenian scholars have long complained that they could not obtain access permits or were obstructed in their research in the archives. Others point to long (and, they say, deliberate) delays in securing permits that often consumed most or all of the time available on grants or sabbaticals. Kevork Bardakchian, head of the Armenian Studies program at the University of Michigan, for example, told poloff that he and other colleagues were simply denied without explanation when they applied for access to the archives in the 1970s and 1980s. An Archive Director in this period spoke openly about the need to “protect” the documents from misuse by hostile foreigners.
6. (sbu) Turkish and foreign scholars agree that former PM and President Turgut Ozal made a real push to open the archives in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The records were placed under the supervision of the Prime Ministry, procedures for obtaining research permits were simplified, and efforts to catalog the 150 million documents were accelerated. Everyone we have spoken to concedes that this represented a “sea change” that has continued to this day. According to Turkish archive officials, permits are usually granted within a week, archival staff are helpful, and photocopies of desired documents are readily available at reasonable fees. When poloff visited the Ottoman Archive research room earlier this month, the staff showed him a computerized list of over 300 Americans who have received permission to conduct research there in recent years (over 30 so far this year alone). The catalogs are also freely available through the Archive website over the internet.
7. (sbu) Some restrictions on access remain in place. Turkish officials do not permit access to over 70 million still-uncatalogued documents and claim that many others are too damaged for use by researchers. Moreover, some critics still complain that the Turkish government seeks to block those researching the Armenian question. Prime Ministry State Archive Director Yusuf Sarinay pointed out to poloff that researchers must be legally in Turkey for that purpose, which requires visa approval by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some researchers continue to have permits delayed or denied altogether (Greek researchers have also been victims of such discrimination in the past). Archive Director Sarinay said that although many American researchers have come to the archives, notably not one has come from Armenia. He speculated that this was because there are no diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia – and because of a policy of reciprocity for Armenia supposedly not allowing Turkish researchers into its archives. Turkey’s own preeminent Ottoman historian, Halil Inalcik, criticized the Archives’ lack of openness in a February 2001 editorial for Radikal daily entitled “The Ottoman Archives Should Be Opened to the World.” Despite the criticism, however, the mantra today is “openness” and any talk of “protecting” the archives from foreigners is politically incorrect. Although the Archives Director still has considerable authority to deny access, he would be hard-pressed to explain placing such restrictions on any serious academic researcher.
Have the Archives Been Purged?
8. (c) Perhaps more important than the question of access, however, is whether or not the archives themselves are complete. According to Sabanci University Professor Halil Berktay, there were two serious efforts to “purge” the archives of any incriminating documents on the Armenian question. The first took place in 1918, presumably before the Allied forces occupied Istanbul. Berktay and others point to testimony in the 1919 Turkish Military Tribunals indicating that important documents had been “stolen” from the archives. Berktay believes a second purge was executed in conjunction with Ozal’s efforts to open the archives by a group of retired diplomats and generals led by former Ambassador Muharrem Nuri Birgi (Note: Nuri Birgi was previously Ambassador to London and NATO and Secretary
General of the MFA). Berktay claims that at the time he was combing the archives, Nuri Birgi met regularly with a mutual friend and at one point, referring to the Armenians, ruefully confessed that “We really slaughtered them.” Tony Greenwood, the Director of the American Research Institute in Turkey, told poloff separately that when he was working in the Archives during that same period it was well known that a group of retired military officers had privileged access and spent months going through archival documents. Another Turkish scholar who has researched Armenian issues claims that the ongoing cataloging process is used to purge the archives.
Coming to Grips With History
9. (sbu) Turkish attitudes on the genocide issue have evolved over time. Although few have the courage to do so publicly, some intellectuals, academics, and others privately question the official version of events. Ordinary citizens in central and eastern Anatolia often openly acknowledge to us what their grandfathers did to the Armenians. Several visiting American academics have noted that the subject is no longer as taboo as it once was. Publicly, the Turkish establishment (including the nationalist think-tank ASAM, the state Turkish Historical Association, and even the Archives) continues to challenge the assertions of the Armenian diaspora and fire off counter-accusations charging Armenians with having engaged in massive, wide-spread revolts during the war and with having perpetrated wholesale massacres on Turkish Muslims. In recent years the Education Ministry has asked high-school students to compete in an essay competition to deny the genocide (note: Berktay claims that this idea originated with ASAM and was imposed on the Ministry by ASAM’s military contacts). The current government, however, has been noticeably more quiet on the subject than some of its predecessors, dutifully repeating the need to “leave the issue for historians to discuss.”
10. (c) Although almost a century has passed since the 1915-16 events, the gulf of misunderstanding between the Armenians and Turks on this issue remains considerable. No longer as completely closed a subject as it once was, discussion of the issue in Turkey still remains limited and dominated by the nationalist/establishment line. Even if the current government hopes to put this issue behind them, it is unlikely that they will be able to do more than simply encourage an environment in which a healthy discussion can take place. It is doubtful that, in their current state, the Ottoman Archives will ever deliver a definitive interpretation of the Armenian question, but they will be a focal point and key resource for any Turks and Armenians seeking to engage in genuine research and debate on the issue. To that end, we should support and encourage researchers to continue to push for access to the archival materials and be prepared to approach the Turkish government to discuss any complaints of official obstruction. We request that the Department make us aware of any such complaints.
We Armenians know it firsthand of the veracity of the ethnic cleansing of Armenians and of the premeditated Armenian Genocide by the hands of the CUP Ittihadist government of Turkey from 1915 through 1923; I would like our denialist or semi-denialist Turks to see this article such as; Anadolu, Robert, Ragnar and others. See?????
Seereli Seervart,
Aveli kan Innisun dariner ee ver Hye organisioner haytaytatz yen genocidi veraperyal paster hamayn ashkharhi kaghutian. Hagarak haytatvadz pasterun, Miatzyal Nahanker, Evrobayi Miyutiun yev NATO geh sharunagen mederim tashnagitz tarnal mer vokherim tshnamiin. Badjareh barz eh.Dzur nesdink yev shidak khosink, Ainkan aden vor, Rus federasioneh, Arevmedian yergirneru vedank geh ngadvi, Miatzial Nahankner yev NATO, bid sharunagen abahovutiun yev achagtzutiun haytaytel Hye-iastani arevmedian tshnamiin. Ainkan aden vor ,Ruseh, voghch eh , genocidi janachum bid chi yezragatzvi. Dasnergu million Hye-iutyun, enntem utzun million teshnamiin, haryur hisun million Ruseru menk imast chuning.
Ole YELLOW-STAIN turkey will never admit to the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE.
Բարեւ Ճէյ,
Միթէ ազգի մը գոյութեան յարատեւումը եւ կամ անոր արդար իրաւունքներու պահանչատէր դառնալը պիտի ըլլան իր զօրութեան եւ կամ քանակի չափանի՞շը: Եւ կամ միթէ եթէ քեզ մտիկ ընենք եւ այսօր իսկ հարաժարինք մեր արդար իրաւունքներու հետազօտութեամբ, արդեօք մարդկայնութեան որքա՞ն սատարած պիտի ըլլանք մենք: Միթէ՞ նոյնիսկ աշխարհի ժողովուրդները եւ ազգերը չե՞ն սպասէր մեզմէ որ պահանչատէր դառնանք մեր իրաւունքներուն արիւնարբու մեր թշնամիէն եւ մեր երկու միլիոն նահատակներու արեան գինը պահանչենք իրենցմէ: Ապագայ ժողովուրդները նոյնիսկ պիտի արգահատին Հայութենէն եթէ այդպիսի հրաժարական քայլ մը առնենք: Ոչ Ճէյ, քանի ողջ է Հայութիւնը աշխարհի վրայ, հոգչէ թէ միայն ընդհամէնը տասը միլիոն կը հաշւուինք այսօր, բայց հարկաւոր է որ մենք բոլորս պայքարինք մեր եւ մեր երկու միլիոն նահատակներուն արեան գինը պահանչելու Թուրքէն:
Բարեւ Ճէյ,
Միթէ ազգի մը գոյութեան յարատեւումը եւ կամ անոր արդար իրաւունքներու պահանչատէր դառնալը պիտի ըլլան իր զօրութեան եւ կամ քանակի չափանի՞շը: Եւ կամ միթէ եթէ քեզ մտիկ ընենք եւ այսօր իսկ հարաժարինք մեր արդար իրաւունքներու հետազօտութեամբ, արդեօք մարդկայնութեան որքա՞ն սատարած պիտի ըլլանք մենք: Միթէ՞ նոյնիսկ աշխարհի ժողովուրդները եւ ազգերը չե՞ն սպասէր մեզմէ որ պահանչատէր դառնանք մեր իրաւունքներուն արիւնարբու մեր թշնամիէն եւ մեր երկու միլիոն նահատակներու արեան գինը պահանչենք իրենցմէ: Ապագայ ժողովուրդները նոյնիսկ պիտի արգահատին Հայութենէն եթէ այդպիսի հրաժարական քայլ մը առնենք: Ոչ Ճէյ, քանի ողջ է Հայութիւնը աշխարհի վրայ, հոգչէ թէ միայն ընդհամէնը տասը միլիոն կը հաշւուինք այսօր, բայց հարկաւոր է որ մենք բոլորս պայքարինք մեր եւ մեր երկու միլիոն նահատակներուն արեան գինը պահանչենք Թուրքէն:
Seervart jan,
Yes chem aracharger vor mer Hye-iutyuneh tatari iravunki bahanchader tarnaleh, Yerpek, barzabes tsuytz gudam mer problemi kelkhavor arkelgeh. Jamanageh hasadz eh vorun mer jognovurteh darper kaylerov modenah genocidi hartzin. Orinag, aveli deramapanagan chellar miteh menk hamozenk ,Miatzyal Nahankneru garavarutian, teh ,Arevmedyan Hyestan, koyutiun ellalov , Miatzyal Nahankner, gunenah aveli vesdaheli tashnagitz yergir meh, kan teh tashnagits vokherim teshnamin?
Եթէ մեր պատմութեան էջերը բանաս, մենք Խրիմեան Հայրիկի առաջնորդութեամբ մօտաւորապէս 1900 ական թուականներուն Սեւրի Դաշնագրի օրով մենք առաջարկեցինք նոյն բանը որ այսօր կը կրկնես հոս եւ սակայն մերժուեցանք նիոքոն Արեւմուտքէն: Երանի թէ Միացեալ նահանգները որդեգրեն այդպիսի բան մը, բայց ի՞նչ յոյս կրնանք ունենալ երբ այսօր իննիսունըվեց տարիներ շարունակ Միացեալ Նահանգները նոյնիսկ չի ընդունիր Հայոց Ցեղասպանութիւնը իրենց բարձրագոյն տոմարներուն Գոնկրսին մէջ:
Ամենայն դէպս մեր Հայ Դատը «ANCA»ն ամէն օր ամէն ժամ կը շարունակէ գործել ու պայքարիլ որ Միացեալ Նահանգները վաւերացնէ Հայոց Ցեղասպանութիւնը իրենց Ծերակոյտին եւ Գոնկրէսին մէջ:
Դուն ալ կարող ես մեր Հայ Դատի կազմակերպութեան հետ կապ պահել. իրենք յաճախ անձիք կը փնտրեն որ հետերնին գործեն եւ յաճախ գաղափարներ կուզեն քաղել ժողովուրդէն. դիմէ Հայ Դատի կազմակերպութեան եւ քու գաղափարներդ յայտնէ իրենց, թէ լաւ չըլլա՞ր որ համոզենք Ամերիկացիներուն որ զորօրինակ վեր կանգնեցնեն Ուիլսոնեան Հայաստանի քարտէսը եւ զանիկա իրագործելով Միացեալ Նահանգները կունենայ Քրիստոնեայ եւ շատ աւելի վստահելի ու գաղափարական երկիր մը Կովկասի մէջ, որպէսզի կարենան նաեւ իրենց փափաքները իրագործել եւ խաղաղութիւն մտցնել Միջին Արեւելքի երկիրներուն մէջ:
Nice work Nanore! Thank you for the article.
First off I am not Armenian. Second, I know in my heart your GOV slaughtered the Armenians. Muslims cry about injustice against the Jews, and yet your history has blood on your hands. This injustice doesn’t surprise me, but it will be a stain remembered forever in your history. Armenians will keep it alive and whoever is willing to listen with their hearts will support their cause! I am ONE! For all Armenians living in Turkey leave and return back to your motherland! Do not breath, eat, or live next to people who almost erradicated you! I understand you have ties to that country, but your love for your people should be greater! Turkish Armenians do not give another dime to that very GOV that contributed to the decline of your people!
I am a SUPPORTER of Armenians and their struggle for TRUTH & JUSTICE!
Cherry Blossum
Dear Cherry Blossom, And what a lovely name you have! Thank you dear Cherry for speaking the truth and sympathyzing for the Armenian cause and for the Armenian Genocide to be accepted by the Turkish gov’t. An entire indigenous nation of the Armenians with their civilization were wiped out completely from their homeland of 5 Thousand years. And I agree with you that the Turkish gov’t are allowing themselves to having any say to the Jewish people. How could they preach to the Jews and or others when they blatantly deny the Armenian Genocide for almost 100 years? Shouldn’t they look in the mirror themselves? Thank you again for your post that for sympathizing with the truth. God bless you!
Cherry Blossom,
How quaint! After reading your comment, it’s clear where you feel your stance is. Now, let us assume that you are whom you say you are, and not the typical ARF tactic of deceptionary commentary (using bogus names, etc.). If that’s the case, then you show utter hate and contempt at historical truth and facts, and prove that you haven’t a clue as to what reality is! I have offered to debate a regular poter on thi site, a women using the handle “Gayane”. She continues, as of this writing, to run away from my challenge. I now offer you this same challenge. You state that you’re not Armenian. Okay then, this will give you the opportunity to present your knowledge base. If, however, you are indeed an Armenian posing as someone who claims they are not, the point then becomes moot. Will you accept my challenge, or will you also run away from backing up your comments? I’ll know quickly if you are sincere or just another ARF dashnak poser.
I think this wikileak struck a nerve with Robert. Seriously, you’re talking about historical truth and facts in an article that’s talking about Turkish archive material being purged?!
Why do you want to debate? This article disapproves anything that you could ever say.
Your grandfathers were murderers, thieves & rapists. DEAL WITH IT! IT IS THE TRUTH!
Therefore, your government doesn’t like the trith, so they have to REMOVE THE TRUTH!
With Robert the debate will not be about historical truth but hysterical truth
Turks often accuse others of what and who they are. For example, what they did to Armenians, they accuse Armenians of doing to them, this is clearly one of the stages of the genocide, where the guilty accuse the victim.
The actions of “Robert” on this site is yet another example, this time in the form of commentary. He cowardly hides behind a western name and does not reveal his identity or admit that he is a denialist, then takes issue with someone who would speak the truth about Turkey, and expects them to reveal themselves, and also accusing them of being Armenian, as if that would change his and his countries criminal genocidal past.
Next he proceeds to speak about a “knowledge base” of genocide denial, as if the average same person is eager to waste their time on such Grey Wolf fascist Turk rhetoric which is considered to be racist lunatic ideology by any western scholar without a devious agenda (like their star “scholars” McCarthy, Lowry, et al.)
Cherry Blossum, I recommend you not waste your time on the likes of “Robert” who is guilty of what he accuses you of. Having a “debate” with such a person is like a survivor of a serial killer who gets stuck in a room with the serial killer. No one in their right mind would expect anything positive in that scenario.
To Random Armenian,
Not only this wikileak report struck a nerve with Haji Bob, but it also caused him a leaky willy.
To Whom It May Concern,
First of all everyone is entitled to their views and oppinions. I assure Robert I am a Japanese American with Russian descent from the North of Hokkaido. My family in Japan have been Christians since the mid 1800’s. We are minoritys religously within our own country. As for a debate or argument there is simply no need. By your tone I already sense your feelings on this issue; so why bother. There will always be opposition, but do you think thats going to stop Armenians in their survival? Just like a Nuclear bomb or Tsunami will stop the Japanese people from existing? I will be a supporter of Armenians being a believer in Jesus Christ, and a people who choose to survive and exist like anyone else who believes in their survival! Just as Muslims band together, so should Christians!
Cont…My point is I respect their Pride, their Spirits to simply survive! We are the only country to be bombed with a nuclear device! Did that STOP my people NEVER! Most people would have assimulated like most and faded into history. Do Tsunami’s stop my people? Never! We exist because of our love for our country & people! Why can’t Armenians do the same? If Turkeys excuse of erradicating the Armenians was in regards to turn coating on the Turkish state does not justify killing the old, women, men, and children. Why not prosecute officials for treason etc. Just like Hiroshima if the US Government were seeking revenge for Pearl Harbor then why not bomb Japans naval bases etc. Why erradicate innocent civilians? There are no excuses for the slaughter of these people period! And just like Hiroshima should never be forgotten or swept under the rug my view is whether it happened 10,000 years ago as long as Christ has given me a mind and soul I will always pay respect, and honor the innocent who have fallen!
Cont… so Robert why would Armenians be seperated from their people and adopted by Muslims and run away back to relearn their language etc. What was an Armenian girl at that time living with Muslims; because she wanted to??? Doesn’t everybody long to be with their own (families)? I’m sure these stories are ALL made up to right?? How convenient that orphanges for Armenian children just sprang up outta no ehere right?? I respect these fighters who didn’t assimulate and maintained their history, language,writings etc. So should Armenians be landless like the Assyrians Robert? Should Armenians assimulate like many countrys who were dominated and lost their identity? They still speak their native language still, and write in their alphabet! They earn my respect for that. I know alot of Armenians catch alot of slack for things, but they must not forget the sacrifice that their ancestors made whether they chose to or not. They ALL owe them that. Now Robert the Armenians have come a long way and I assure you that they are going no where, so you should get used to the fact that the Armenians are here to stay regardless if Turkey admits. Do you Robert?? think the Genocide will stop in their survival?? Now stop wasting your time its useless really….
Cherry Blossom
It seems to me that suddenly the Americans invented the wheel… it is common secret that Turkey throughout history slaughtered many races that lived at its present lands.
Turkey doesn’t have any real history just criminal record….
I am from Hellas and I send you my greetings!!!
WikiLeak Smells Garlic
WikiLeak smells like garlic
Every populace should smell
To prevent clogging the coronaries—
For those who never ate or smelled . . .
Wiki-Leaks . . . !*
Our Armenian genocided* spirits
Know all the details . . . before
Internet days
As they have been through it oppressively
For many centuries.
Are able to act beautifully their
Political theatrical plays
But no one is interested to view
Hence it isn’t the Shakespeareian Hamlet,
Politicians are worse enemies
Of every honest nation
They kill every clean soul
With their twisted promises
Through arranged unfruitful meetings
And burn every breathing spirit . . .
Through exhausting ways—
Those . . . for truthfulness have
Eternal passionate dative Hart-beats . . . !
December 2, 2010
ISBN: 9781456845131