In the quiet, between bombs, there is a sound,
A hum,
My heart still beats.
One day, soon, I will return.
What is an hour, a night, a year,
But a heart keeping time?
One day, soon. Keep singing your song.
Come close, my twin, let me see in your eyes
The lamp lighting us onward,
The fire no one can put out.
breathe in
I must
remember We live
I must
breathe out
I must
Earth to hold Us
I must
fall through the floor giving way
into soul wounds rebleeding. Akh…
We will not all
fall like young trees cut down ‘fore
their time. keep breathing. Akh…
I must not remember.
I must not forget.
We are not the river
of kin piled high,
waters running red. We are
more than this. Akh…
I must not remember.
We must not forget.
Look up, step back, walk past river of time,
See Hye peaks cloud-dancing with cerulean sky,
Singing swallows below, warmed by sun, thrive,
Our true stories honeycomb, our bees sting the lies.
I will remember.
We will not forget.
Our hearts flooding with torrents of ancestral soul force.
We will not swim away songless. War is changing our course.
The world crumbles inside and recovers once more.
Do you hear it too? …the unstoppable unlatching of Mher’s door.
Author’s Note: Dedicated to all those who are fighting daily for peace and all those who await the return of beloveds from the front lines. May we stay in light, and may lasting peace come home soon.
Editor’s Note, October 21: In the past week as these poems were forming, an emergent and global initiative of artists was also taking shape. At Art for Artsakh, visitors will find a growing interdisciplinary community of artists, including the author, who are donating all proceeds from the sales of their works to the Armenia Fund, supporting humanitarian aid for the people of Artsakh.
Thank you for the wonderful poem. Perfect for the occasion Bravo!
Thank you kindly, Krikor. I keep circling back to that line with the bees…and the vision of Mher’s door. Bee well.
Elise jan – Apres.
That is what we are fighting for and towards – “unlatching of Mher’s door.”
Tania (AVC)
Shad shnorhagal em, sireli Tania. Jisht e.
May our aim be true, and be supported by all who see with their heart what is happening.
Medz sirov,