ALC Executive Director Kate Nahapetian outlines road to reparations at ANCA-WR Grassroots Conference in Pasadena, Calif.
PASADENA, Calif.—Kate Nahapetian, executive director of the Armenian Legal Center for Justice and Human Rights (ALC), announced the ALC’s Property Documentation Database Project while discussing several of ALC’s initiatives and the path to reparations at the Armenian National Committee of America—Western Region (ANCA-WR) Grassroots Conference on Oct. 7.
The Armenian Legal Center announced its project, a database documenting stolen, confiscated, or lost property during the Armenian Genocide, such as homes, orchards, land, bank accounts, insurance policies, bonds, art, jewelry, and other properties.
During the talk, Nahapetian noted that a collection of this information is vital to our efforts to realize reparations, and can act as a reliable source of data that will strengthen the Diaspora’s ability to advocate for justice in the political and legal spheres, as well as future diplomatic discussions or arbitration with Turkey.
Because of the mass violence and destruction associated with the Genocide that resulted in the loss of documentation of properties, the ALC will not only collect physical documentation but also testimonies on properties from survivors or their descendants, which the ALC hopes can eventually be compared with Turkey’s own records.
In a talk co-sponsored by the ALC earlier this year at the George Washington School of Law, Dr. Ümit Kurt, a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies, spoke on the issue of Turkey’s property records, noting that they are well-organized and can provide a detailed history to Armenian heirs. Dr. Kurt noted that despite plans in 2005 to make land records public, they still are not because of Turkey’s National Security Committee’s intervention. The abandoned properties and liquidation commissions set up to confiscate Armenian properties also kept meticulous records, he said.
The ANCA-WR conference panel, titled Road to Reparations, included UCLA Law professors Asli Bali and Jessica Peake, who are, respectively, the faculty director and the assistant director of the Promise Institute for Human Rights. Nahapetian noted ALC’s partnerships with law schools, including UCLA Law and University of Southern California’s Human Rights Clinic. Through such partnerships with pro bono attorneys and students, the ALC is examining novel approaches to reparations and the best venues to pursue claims.
The ALC fights to redress human rights violations emanating from the Armenian Genocide that continue to this day and undermine stability in a region that has for far too long been marred by policies founded on genocide, not human rights and justice. ALC promotes scholarship on the legal avenues for addressing the challenges emanating from the Armenian Genocide, in addition to pursuing litigation, while promoting the protection of Armenian cultural heritage through the return of stolen properties and artifacts.
To submit documentation concerning stolen or lost properties from the Armenian Genocide, please visit:
The Armenian Legal Center can be contacted with questions or inquiries by emailing or calling +1 (202) 742-8702.
Another shining example of the growing sophistication
of our cause. Strengthening our legal claims infrastructure
is a wise investment. Very exciting.
This is a brilliant project which must be fully supported although somewhat late.
why not a genocide data base of all Armenians either missing or missing family members like names and villages of where they came from to possibly reunite lost family?
What does one do when discussing property confiscated after the Hatay referendum in 1939? There are Syrian-Armenians who have court cases open since the 1980’s claiming property from Alexandretta, Antakya to Musaler. Those property claims fall outside the Genocide context.
It’s a worthwhile and demanding project full of pitfalls yet with almost no records in the possession of descendants of of the survivors of the Genocide. It’s better late than never to lay claims for return of properties or demanding reparations. Good luck!
Felizmente estamos concretizando uma imperiosa necessidade de catalogar todos os bens de armenios surrupiados pelos turcos .Um trabalho gigantesco devera ser realizado para catalogar todos os bens particulares e eclesiasticos confiscados das maos dos verdadeiros donos.Esses bens sao testemunhas fieis de como os armenios foram vitimas dos seus saqueadores.Urge urgentemente esse fiel levantamento para pleitear mos nos organismos internacionais as provas de que fomos vitimas Onde houver uma manifestaçao de armenidade nasregioes antes habitadas pelo povo armenio deverao ser mostradas cartazes explicando o terrivel processo que sofreu o povo daqueles lugares. saudaçoes armeno brasileirokk