ANCA Responds to Obama ‘Armenian Remembrance Day’ Statement‏

Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian issued the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s April 24 “Armenian Remembrance Day” message, which again stopped short of properly characterizing the crime as “genocide.”

“Sadly, President Obama chose today not to lead, but rather to follow Ankara’s gag-rule on his administration’s condemnation and commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. His public retreat, under Turkish pressure, comes despite his own pledges to acknowledge this crime and our government’s record, dating back more than half a century, of having recognized the Armenian Genocide as a clear case of genocide.”

“Our president’s complicity in Turkey’s denial of truth and its ongoing obstruction of justice will not derail our progress toward a truthful, fair, and comprehensive international resolution of Turkey’s still unpunished crime against the Armenian nation.”

To read Obama’s statement, click here.


  1. Let him hear our new song…”our 1,5 million lost lives” …If he knows how to say “Mezh Yeghern” and not “Zhegaspanootuyn”(genocide)…I think he can hear the song and understand…
    It should be translated and sung in English…So everyone who knows English will hear

    Our depressed voice hidden in our souls…
    For our 1.5 million crushed clever skulls…artful hands…
    Dancing legs and pure innocent hearts
    Since almost a millennium they invaded us…
    Not only 1.5 lives we lost but billions
    They slayed with their criminal hands like animals
    Took our Mouth Ararat…
    Confiscated our homes…our herd…fruitful tress and
    Modified our praying places by ending destroying all and stole all the stones…
    Those are called “Godless Turks”…
    How can they deny …How can we forget…All the blood shed…
    We are from Gomidas genes…
    We will spread our tragedies through our voice
    As we don’t carry scimitars, guns, bombs…
    We are innocent race, full of “Armenian faith and dignity” before Christ
    Our faith is from our saint Gomidas…
    “Gomidas is my Secret God”

    Sad April, 2013
    Written Instantly after hearing the song of our famous singers…

  2. I totally agree with Aram’s statement. However, we should draw attention and focus on the following two points:
    1- Obama keeps mentioning the ” Meds Yeghern”. This is an outright complicity and duplicity. Non Armenians do not know and have no idea what ” Meds Yeghern” means. By using an Armenian word to replace what he should use, ie Genocide is cowardly.
    2- For me personally it has been very frustrating that none of our organizations, political or non-political, have not focused and brought to light the crux of the problem, that leads to the reluctance of of US Administartions to acknowledge the Genocide.
    There are 24 NATO military bases in Turkey. Turkey has become NATO’s Eastern Anchor.
    We need, and we should, bring this fact into light, question its validity. Turkey is not an ally; they are simply blackmailers and extortionists.
    Vart Adjemian

  3. not only that vart adjemian, some of these bases are on armenian land with ‘deeds in hand’. imagine if this was germany after the war, everything would have been settled in a jiffy.

  4. ‘Vart Adjemian writes:
    There are 24 NATO military bases in Turkey. Turkey has become NATO’s Eastern Anchor. We need, and we should, bring this fact into light, question its validity. Turkey is not an ally; they are simply blackmailers and extortionists.’

    I fully agree. NATO is not the United States. This is clearly a degree of blackmail but best is the noise Turkey makes for this issue is the best advertisement for it. Let Germany balk at Holocaust factors and reparations.

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