A night of solidarity to support the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

Hagop Djernazian and Setrag Balian visit New Jersey to rally support for the Armenian Quarter’s legal battle

The Armenian Quarter – The Cows’ Garden lease

NEW JERSEY—On January 24, 2025, community leaders, members of the clergy and activists gathered in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey at the home of Ara and Aline Araz to support the Save the Armenian Quarter (Save the ArQ) Movement, an initiative dedicated to protecting the historic Armenian presence in Jerusalem. The event, hosted by Berj and Suzanne Akian, Ara and Aline Araz, Thomas and Carol Ashbahian, Dr. Garbis and Laura Baydar, Peter Bedevian, Dr. Garo and Cecelia Garibian, James and Maral Sahagian, and Dean Shahinian, Esq., featured an in-depth discussion with Hagop Djernazian and Setrag Balian, founders of the movement.

 The event raised $36,000 to support ongoing legal efforts, and $10,000 more was raised in Boston and Detroit, but additional funds are urgently needed to continue defending the Armenian community’s rights. Tax-deductible contributions can be sent to Armenian Legal Defense Front Inc., 800 Maine Avenue SW, Ste. 200, Washington D.C. 20024 or go to https://bit.ly/Save-the-ArQ to donate online.

Legal battle to protect the Armenian Quarter

The Save the ArQ Movement, launched in May 2023, is fighting an unlawful 98-year lease agreement signed by the Armenian Patriarchate with the developer Xana Gardens. The Armenian community filed a lawsuit on February 18, 2024, in the Jerusalem District Court, arguing that:

  1. Lack of authority – The Patriarchate’s internal bylaws prohibit long-term property leases without specific approvals, which were not obtained.
  2. Waqf (trust) status – The disputed land, known as Cow Garden, is classified as a Waqf (endowment), established under Ottoman Sharia law and recognized by Israeli courts. Such endowments cannot be sold or leased for private development.

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Hagop and Setrag explained how this legal position distinguishes the Armenian community’s lawsuit from a separate claim filed by the Patriarchate, where the Patriarchate didn’t argue important arguments to nullify the deal. The community’s lawsuit demands the complete cancellation of the lease, asserting that the Patriarchate had no legal authority to sign it.

In a positive legal development, the Jerusalem District Court rejected multiple requests by Xana Gardens to dismiss the case. Other requests have also been denied. These rulings mark a significant step in strengthening the community’s case.

Looking ahead, a pre-trial hearing is scheduled for September 17, 2025, where critical evidence and testimonies will be presented. To prepare for this pivotal hearing, extensive legal work, research and witness preparation must be conducted to ensure the strongest possible defense of the Armenian community’s and the Patriarchate’s rights. 

Hagop Djernazian and Setrag Balian in New Jersey

Legal activism and grassroots resistance

Thanks to Save the ArQ’s legal activism and research, the movement uncovered that the true beneficial owner of the land is the Armenian community, where the Patriarch is only the trustee. Their efforts have successfully prevented the developer from taking possession of the land. In fact, portions that were occupied by Xana Gardens have been reclaimed, further strengthening the legal case.

Beyond the courtroom, activists have taken direct action, with community members camping on-site for over 65 consecutive weeks to protect the property. When developers’ bulldozers arrived, young and old members of the movement confronted them and prevailed, forcing Xana Gardens to retreat. 

Call to action

The Save the ArQ Movement is committed to pursuing every available legal and strategic avenue to protect the Armenian Quarter. However, legal battles and on-the-ground efforts require significant financial support.

 To contribute, tax-deductible contributions can be mailed to Armenian Legal Defense Front Inc., 800 Maine Avenue SW, Ste. 200, Washington D.C. 20024. Online donations can be made at https://bit.ly/Save-the-ArQ. Every donation helps ensure that this historic and sacred land remains in the hands of the Armenian community for future generations.

Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor

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