Community members gathered from all over the Eastern United States, from Washington D.C. to Chicago, on Sunday, November 24, to show their appreciation, respect and love for their dedicated leader, Eastern Prelate Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, for his 40 years of selfless and devoted service, filled with his typical humility toward his church, people, Armenia and Artsakh.
The special day began that morning when Archbishop Anoushavan celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered his inspiring sermon at St. Sarkis Armenian Church in Douglaston, New York. Archpriest Fr. Nareg Terterian read a Letter of Blessing from His Holiness Catholicos Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia.
The church faithful then joined the sold-out gathering at the elegant Terrace on the Park for the festive banquet. As the crowd enthusiastically greeted one another in the music-filled cocktail hour and in the elegant flower-bedecked ballroom, the warm atmosphere was more like a large extended family, coming together in the spirit of a thanksgiving celebration. In fact, it was a family gathering for many who had known each other and the Prelate and had worked together for decades.
A program of appreciation
The program began with welcoming remarks by Chris Parnagian, Esq. in honor of “our beloved Prelate and his typically warm, positive and engaging manner.” The American and Armenian national anthems were sung a cappella in a personal, modern style by Hooshere Bezdikian.
The Letter of Blessing from His Holiness Catholicos Aram I was read in Armenian and English by Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, Pastor of St. Illuminator’s Armenian Cathedral in New York and member of the Religious Council. “Those who have known the Prelate can affirm without hesitation that for 40 years, he has served our Church and people with the utmost dedication, diligence, faith and loyalty. The quality and scope of the Prelate’s service have never been dictated by the positions he held or the titles he bore. Whether as preacher, pastor or Prelate, he has always fulfilled his duties with the same spirit and faith. In all his positions, the Prelate has consistently embodied the ideal of the spiritual pastor, bringing God’s word to the people and addressing their needs,” the message declared.
The clergy in attendance included Rev. Fr. Dr. Abraham Malkhasian, Pastor of Holy Martyrs Church, in Bayside, New York, representing Diocesan Primate Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan; Very Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian, Pastor, St. Gregory the Illuminator Church, Philadelphia; Archpriest Fr. Nareg and Yn. Annie Terterian; Rev. Fr. Bedros Shetilian, Pastor, St. Gregory Church, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts; Rev. Fr. Mesrob and Yn. Ojeen Lakissian; and Rev. Fr. Dr. Vahan and Yn. Maggie Kouyoumdjian, Pastor, Holy Cross Church of Troy, New York.
Remarks from Executive Council Chairman Col. Aram Sarafian and Steering Committee representative Susan Chitjian Erickson praised the 24-hour commitment, overflowing heart, humility and love that the Prelate has given to his people, church and nation. Col. Sarafian noted that Archbishop Anoushavan’s devoted service to the people occupies a special place in the history of the Eastern Prelacy. With emotion, he spoke of the Prelate’s dedication “which knew no limits as he drove for hours almost every weekend to be with the people, to celebrate the Divine Liturgy or to ordain deacons. He truly has no boundaries — even when he was recovering from his operation.”
Remarkable milestone
The Very Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian, Deputy Chairman of the Religious Council, eloquently spoke of “us all gathering today as one family to celebrate a truly remarkable milestone — 40 years of devoted service by His Eminence, as we reflect on his unwavering commitment to God and the growth of His Church.” The Prelate has been “a guiding shepherd to his flock. His ministry has touched countless lives, bringing God’s love into the hearts of parishioners who recount all their memories with Him in all the communities across the Eastern Prelacy.”
Father Boghos pointed out that Archbishop Anoushavan “usually reminds new pastors that a pastor’s role is to tend to the flock, which he has done over 40 years and continues to lead by example. Today, we honor not only his visible achievements, but the unseen sacrifices he has made for the sake of his calling.”
On behalf of all the clergy, Fr. Boghos presented Archbishop Anoushavan with a beautiful medallion, a Panagia (small folding case with an image of the Virgin Mary), which only Prelates can wear.
Before the sumptuous dinner, Archbishop Anoushavan gave the invocation, and in his familiar family-devoted manner, visited every table, speaking with the people and taking photographs with them.
After lunch, the Pillars of the community, who are the bedrock of the fundraising community, were presented, including Karnig and Alice Alajajian, Drs. Carlo and Aurora Bayrakdarian, Veh and Arpine Bezdikian, Antranik Boudakian, John Daghlian, Dr. Houry Daghlian, Hon. David and Susan Erickson, Tamar Harutunian, Esq., Karen Jehanian, Rev. Fr Vahan and Yn. Maggie Kouyoumdjian, Drs. Arthur and Louiza Kubikian, Alice Movsesian, Sarkis and Mary Ohanessian, Chris Parnagian, Esq., Col. Aram Sarafian, Richard and Nora Sarafian, Dr. Aram and Seta Semerdjian, Sarkis and Marie-Jeanne Shirinian and Nayda Voskerijian.
A video, “Forty Years of Service,” narrated by Karine Kocharyan, related and displayed the remarkable dedicated service of Archbishop Anoushavan in America.
Musical artists who graced the event were vocalists Hooshere Bezdikian, Karine Vartanian, who performed a soulful “Dele Yaman” by Gomidas and violinist Lisa Dodakian, whose rendition of “Yerevan- Erebuni” brought the crowd to their feet. Flower bouquets were presented to the musicians.
Finally, the unique and special man of the hour of 40-plus years of devoted, selfless and wise service, Archbishop Anoushavan, took the stage, and in his usual and personal manner, speaking without notes in Armenian and English, related his words of gratitude to all, the Prelacy’s achievements, and an emotional fight to health after his operation.
A cheering and lengthy standing ovation followed, concluding the unforgettable event with the joyous singing of Giligia.
The booklet and video production were prepared by Dr. Vartan Matiossian and Greg Dosttur, with the printing by Delta Printing.
Monumental 40-year journey
In 1984, Anoushavan Vartabed Tanielian was assigned to the United States, following 12 years of service at the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, by Catholicos Karekin II of Cilicia, starting his new journey under Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian.
Appointed preacher of the St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in Philadelphia, the first of several churches he served, his service continued at St. Vartanantz Church in New Jersey, receiving the degree of Dzayrakuyn Vartabed. From 1988 to 1991, his service continued at St. Sarkis Church of Bayside (later Douglaston, New York), becoming its pastor in 1991, bravely continuing his mission after surviving a life-threatening car accident.
His roles were elevated when he became Vicar General and Ecumenical Representative of the Catholicosate in the United States. He also participated in meetings of the Oriental and Catholic Church in Vienna and the World Council of Churches in South Korea.
Throughout his selfless service in every church and community, he inspired support to Bible studies, choir and youth conferences and taught at several Armenian schools, creating Ladies’ Guilds, Men’s Clubs and sports clubs. He also founded the St. Gregory of Datev Institute, which he led for 25 years.
Always pursuing his love of learning, he continued his religious studies at Princeton University, where he earned a master’s degree in theology, and then Columbia University, where he was awarded a master’s degree and then a Ph.D. in 2003.
In 2006, he was consecrated Bishop by Catholicos Aram I and expanded the role of the Prelacy, attending ecumenical conferences, visiting Armenia, supervising summer camps and organizing pilgrimages to Lebanon, Deir Zor, Jerusalem, Armenia and Artsakh for Datev students and parishioners.
Elected Prelate
On September 8, 2018, Bishop Anoushavan was elected Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy and received the title of Archbishop. His focus on youth development, his spiritual brothers and the pursuit of higher education was strengthened. He continued the blessing of homes and the regular visitations of all parishes as well as encouraged and welcomed the ordination of acolytes, stole bearers, subdeacons, deacons and priests.
As Prelate, he was invited to open a session of the House of Representatives as guest chaplain. He also met with Pope Francis as representative of the Holy See of Cilicia. As President of CAMECT (Christian Arab Middle Eastern Churches Together), he took part in events on Capitol Hill.
He has supported many sister organizations, including the ARS, Hamazkayin, Homenetmen, AYF and the Armenian National Education Committee, promoting innovation in their work.
Now, with various human crises throughout the world, Archbishop Anoushavan has provided great support for Armenia, Artsakh, Lebanon and Syria, “to help our less fortunate brethren”.
In October 2023, he met personally with refugees from Artsakh in Armenia and distributed aid to them. Following this, he directed the Hope and Light NGO to make monthly distributions to them.
In 2023 and 2024, Archbishop led the planning and organization of the Pontifical visit of Catholicos Aram I to all the Prelacy parishes in the eastern United States.
And now, following his four decades of service to God, people, church and nation with wisdom, dedication, humility and selflessness, “a treasured father to his large family,” he quotes his motto, which he truly follows:
To love while praying,
To serve while loving,
To lead while serving,
To cooperate while leading,
To learn and grow while cooperating,
To become one and uniting with God.
Well deserved milestone celebration for a humble and dedicated leader. May God bless him with many more years of good health and fulfillment in his ministry.
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the work of Florence Avakian. Sure enough , I scrolled up to see her name. A long distinguished service of distinct and
wonderful writing. Thank you.