Uncle Garabed’s Notebook (June 3, 2017)


Folk Wisdom

The man with time to burn never gave the world any light.


From One Who Knows

Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.
…Ezra Pound


Why Worry

There are only two things to worry about, either you are healthy or you are sick. If you are healthy, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are sick there are only two things to worry about, either you will get well or you will die.
If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you die there are only two things to worry about, either you will go to heaven or to hell. If you go to heaven, then there is nothing to worry about.
And if you to go hell, you’ll be so darn busy shaking hands with your friends you won’t have time to worry!



Recession: a period in which you tighten your belt.
Depression: a period in which you have no belt to tighten.


Great Minds at Work

Edo: Which travels faster, heat or cold?
Bedo: Heat.
Edo: What makes you think so?
Bedo: Because you can catch cold.


What’s in a Name?

Chorbajian revisited. Turkish in derivation, identified as a trade, chorba is defined as soup, and chorbajuh, a maker or seller of soup.
However, there are other meanings to chorbajuh that have no connection with soup. It can mean the head of a group, or a Christian notable (now used jokingly about non-Muslims); or an official entertainer of guests in a village.

CK Garabed

CK Garabed

Weekly Columnist
C.K. Garabed (a.k.a. Charles Kasbarian) has been active in the Armenian Church and Armenian community organizations all his life. As a writer and editor, he has been a keen observer of, and outspoken commentator on, political and social matters affecting Armenian Americans. He has been a regular contributor to the Armenian Reporter and the AGBU Literary Quarterly, “ARARAT.” For the last 30 years, Garabed has been a regular contributor to the Armenian Weekly. He produces a weekly column called “Uncle Garabed's Notebook,” in which he presents an assortment of tales, anecdotes, poems, riddles, and trivia; for the past 10 years, each column has contained a deconstruction of an Armenian surname. He believes his greatest accomplishment in life, and his contribution to the Armenian nation, has been the espousing of Aghavni, and the begetting of Antranig and Lucine.
CK Garabed

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