THE HAGUE, Netherlands—November 2015 saw the publication of Alexis Demirdjian’s The Armenian Genocide Legacy, published by Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Demirdjian and co-authored by 22 experts from different fields of study, the volume was written on the occasion of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.
This major interdisciplinary volume consists of works that tackle the issue of the relevance of the Armenian Genocide in modern-day academic endeavours, from the perspective of history, law, political science, sociology, anthropology, journalism, literature, and media studies. It examines such issues as impunity, sexual violence, demographics, compensation, memorializing, media approaches, and the legal ramifications of the Armenian Genocide.
On April 12, the Asser Institute established in The Hague will host the book launch during the course of a Supranational Criminal Law lecture entitled, “The legal ramifications of the Armenian genocide: compensation, genocidal intent, and failure to prosecute.” The speakers will include Demirdjian and one of the volume’s co-authors, Nolwenn Guibert, a French lawyer specializing in international criminal law.
The lecture will focus on the legal aspects of The Armenian Genocide Legacy book, in line with the Asser Institute’s research mission in international and European law.
The lecture is public and free of charge. Registration is not necessary; seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Asser Institute is located at R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22, 2517 JN, The Hague. For more information on the lecture, e-mail alexisdemirdjian@gmail.com. Information relating to the book may be found online at http://www.palgrave.com/uk/book/9781137561626.
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