Our stand on Pashinyan’s visit to Washington, DC

Nikol Pashinyan has made his choices.

He chose to betray Artsakh – joining with Aliyev in erasing even its sacred memory.

He chose to abandon Armenian hostages – blaming these patriots for their own imprisonment.

He chose to undermine democracy – jailing his critics and cracking down on dissent.

He chose to downplay the Armenian Genocide – aligning himself with Erdogan’s denial of this crime.

Now, he has chosen to come to Washington, our hometown, where he expects us to honor him, to act as his stage props, and to normalize his shameful surrender of Armenian lives and land, democracy and dignity.

Now, it’s our turn to make a choice.

To refuse to be used.

To stand up for actual Armenian values – our core national interests and aspirations.

To send a signal to the world that the Armenian nation stands united, that our loyalty belongs to Artsakh and Armenia, not to a party or politician.

We call upon you – as an act of conscience, a principled stand for our nation – to join with your fellow Washington area Armenians in refusing to participate in events honoring Pashinyan, choosing instead to use your time and energy to serve our nation. We understand this may not be an easy decision for some but do believe it is the right thing to do. A choice we all will look back upon with pride.

We are sharing our stand in the interest of transparency and welcome your feedback as a matter of open communication and mutual understanding.

ARF Sebouh Gomideh


  1. I hope there will be a large demonstration and rally against Pashinyan with prominent American Armenians speaking out against him.

    The World needs to see that Pashinyan does not speak for the Spirit of Armenia.

  2. Armenians need to be united at all times. And never before, the importance of unity is more important than now. Let’s resolve our political differences behind closed doors.

  3. They say a picture speaks a thousand words and that picture above does exactly that. An incompetent, dishonest, flip-flopping unpatriotic Armenian sheep disguised as prime minister holding the book of a Turkish terrorist-in-chief and a wolf in sheep’s clothing who ordered his terrorist defense ministry to invade with NATO supplied weapons Armenian liberated territories on behalf of his militarily impotent pseudo-Turkish terrorist Azerbaijani step cousins-in-crime resulting in starvation, deaths, hostages and ethnic cleansing of an entire Armenian population in Artsakh province where indigenous fellow Armenians had lived since time immemorial. Shame on him!

  4. Could there be a conflict of interest here?

    “Diaspora exert influence on homelands when the latter is weak, tilting the balance of power in favor of the former,” “Just as diaspora can be advocators of peace, so too can they be spoilers.” ~Shain, Yossi, Barth, Aharon, International Organization, 2003. Meaning, it is in the diaspora’s interest to keep the State weak, that’s the only fashion it can be strong. Don’t be spoilers.

    Instead of bashing your own, pack your bags and put your money where your mouth is, come fix it from within, instead of destructive online snow-flake vigilantism. He’s the best we got, security and continuation over closing freeways for nothing and cladding cars with flags and annoying everyone on April 24.

    • Diaspora tend to be stuck in the past about the old country and have more dated views from when their ancestors left their homelands. The state should be the leader not a diaspora unless there is no such state. The armchair generals and back seat drivers are legion.

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