AIWA launches 2021-2022 scholarship program, Eva & Jack Medzorian Endowment Fund

BOSTON, Mass.—The Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA) is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2021-2022 academic year. The deadline for submission is April 19, 2021.

New this year is the establishment of the Eva and Jack Medzorian Scholarship Endowment Fund in the amount of $50,000. In accordance with the wishes of the donor, Eva Medzorian, income will be allocated annually to applicants from Armenia, specifically from the Tavush region, including the border town of Berd.

The Medzorian awards will be added to scholarships awarded by AIWA annually, ranging in value from $500 to $5,000, to full-time female students of Armenian descent attending accredited colleges or universities. Students from the United States or abroad entering their junior or senior year in college, as well as graduate students, are eligible to apply for the awards, which are based on merit as well as financial need.

In establishing the new scholarships, Medzorian stressed the importance of supporting rural areas of Armenia as well projects in the capital of Yerevan. After the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, she and her late husband Jack traveled dozens of times to the country to help meet pressing needs there; medical care and school aid were prominent among their efforts.

Eva and the late Jack Medzorian

As co-founder and first president of AIWA, Medzorian has stressed the importance of diasporan support for independent Armenia. In recent years her attention has become increasingly focused on the northeastern border of the country, whose inhabitants face all the difficulties of rural living as well as constant pressure from their nearby Azerbaijani neighbors.

A total of $60,000 to $75,000 is awarded annually by AIWA (including the Central Board as well as its affiliates) to graduate and undergraduate students from the United States, Canada, Armenia, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and other countries in fields ranging from mathematics and architecture to government, public administration, medicine, art and design.

The scholarships are funded by endowments as well as annual donations. Every year, the need for support far outweighs available funds. AIWA encourages donations for this important means of assistance and encouragement for talented and needy student applicants.

AIWA’s scholarship program was initiated with the Agnes K. Missirian Scholarship, established in 1996 in memory of the professor of management at Bentley University who was an early AIWA member and a strong advocate for women’s rights. Over the years, grants have been added in the names of Ethel Jaferian Duffett, Lucy Kasparian Aharonian (for students in the sciences), Nshan and Margrit Atinizian, Dr. Carolann S. Najarian, Hripsime Parsekian (for a student in the field of international relations), Mary V. Toumayan, Azniv Melidonian Renjilian and Rose A. Hovannesian.

The AIWA-Los Angeles affiliate annually awards five to six Hasmik Mgrdichian Scholarships of $5,000 each to California residents. The New England affiliate through the $1,000 Olga Proudian Scholarship is awarded to a student in the field of diplomacy.

AIWA and its affiliates also grant several tuition scholarships to students at the American University of Armenia, including $5,000 to fund two of its Alice Kanlian Mirak Scholarships.

Applications can be submitted through AIWA’s new digital scholarship portal. Questions can be directed to

AIWA is now celebrating its 30th anniversary year. Information about its network of Armenian women and its programs to connect and elevate women globally can be found online or by contacting

This article is a press release submitted to the Armenian Weekly. If your organization has news it would like to submit to the paper for consideration, please email us at

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