30th Navasartian Games Postponed Amid Global Pandemic

Over the past several weeks, the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has shaken global markets and caused widespread disruption to everyone throughout the world. As the virus continues to spread around the globe, many of us are faced with the difficult decision of whether to cancel large events due to public health concerns and the threat of travel restrictions and quarantines.

The Homenetmen Eastern USA Regional Executive has determined that the best way to safeguard and protect the health and safety of all our members is to postpone the 30th Navasartian Games, scheduled to take place this July, hosted by the Boston chapter. This decision was not made lightly and was a result of lengthy deliberation amongst all governing bodies. The Regional Executive and Navasartian Steering Committee are currently making arrangements for the 30th Navasartian Games to take place in Boston in July 2021.   

The Homenetmen Navasartian Games portray the meaningful purpose of the Homenetmen in the Armenian community. Athletes, members, volunteers, families and other community members gather to compete and enjoy the Armenian spirit and the Homenetmen camaraderie under the Homenetmen motto of “Rise and Raise/Elevate Yourself and Others with You.” Although there are many winners of the athletic competitions, the Homenetmen family and its many members are always the champions. We will together get through this difficult time. 

We cannot stress the importance of Homenetmen members continuing to give their time and energy to the organization, especially during this period. With everyone’s continued commitment, Homenetmen will continue to rise. 

If you booked a room under the Homenetmen rate at the Hilton Woburn Hotel, we have requested that the hotel automatically cancel all room reservations. You should receive cancellation emails within the next two weeks. As an added precaution, we encourage all members and chapters to follow up with the hotel to make sure the hotel has successfully made cancellations to ensure no charges will be applied. 

For further information or questions, please email Navasartian.EUSA@homenetmen.org

Homenetmen Eastern U.S.

Homenetmen Eastern U.S.

The Armenian General Athletic Union and Scouts, known as "Homenetmen," is a non-profit organization founded over 100 years ago. Believing in the idea that strong bodies lead to strong minds, Homenetmen has provided Armenian youth across the globe with a moral, physical and psychological education outside the school environment, while also demonstrating richness of the Armenian culture and heritage. Today, Homenetmen is a worldwide organization with over 25,000 members on five continents. On the East Coast U.S., Homenetmen is a thriving organization with 12 chapters and over 900 members, governed by the Homenetmen Eastern Regional Executive.

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