Providence hosts Homenetmen Regional Tivan Meeting

Navasartian Games to take place in Providence in July 2024

Group Picture of 2024 Homenetmen Eastern U.S. Regional Tivan Meeting

On March 9, 2024, the Homenetmen Providence Chapter welcomed participants to the Homenetmen Eastern Regional Chapter Executive’s Tivan meeting, organized by the Eastern U.S. Regional Executive. The meeting took place at the Sts. Vartanantz Church Aramian Hall. In attendance were members of the following chapter executives: Boston, Detroit, Florida, Merrimack Valley, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, Washington and the host chapter, Providence. A traditionally busy gathering was met with great enthusiasm by all in attendance. 

Present were members of the Homenetmen Regional Executive, representatives of the Regional Scout Council and the Regional Athletic, Regional Information Technology and Regional Public Relations Committees. Homenetmen Central Executive member Vahe Tanashian was also in attendance. The meeting was formally opened with the singing of Harach Nahadag. Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian, pastor of Sts. Vartanantz Church of Providence, shared his remarks, during which he acknowledged the importance of Homenetmen’s role in cultivating the youth and offered his prayers for a successful meeting.

After opening remarks from the Regional Executive chairman Y. Vicken Khatchadourian, the meeting addressed the organizational, athletic and scouting programs and initiatives that serve the Armenian youth. The meeting agenda included updates regarding the Regional Executive’s planned activities for the coming year, financial outlook, strategic planning, circulars/directives, regional website, correspondence with chapters and by-laws. The Regional Athletic Committee presented its report, including updates on the 2024 Navasartian Games and the 2025 Pan-Homenetmen Athletic Games in Armenia. Representatives of the PR and IT committees discussed the development of a regional membership database and local chapter newsletters, as well as the importance of effective PR utilizing social media, Marzig magazine and the Hairenik and Armenian Weekly newspapers. The Regional Scout Council report included updates on the 2024 Regional Scouting panagoum and planning for the 2027 Pan-Homenetmen Scouting Jamboree in Armenia. 

Singing of Harach Nahadag to open the meeting

During the Regional Tivan meeting, the Providence chapter’s steering committee for the upcoming 32nd Regional Navasartian Games provided a presentation about the event, which will take place from July 4-6, 2024 in Providence, RI. An informational booklet was distributed to all of the chapters in attendance. The chapter is prepared to host a weekend full of entertainment, sportsmanship and camaraderie. Over 750 athletes, scouts and supporters from across the East Coast and Canada will travel to Providence to participate in athletic competitions including basketball, soccer, volleyball, track, swimming and chess. Athletic games will take place at the East Greenwich High School and Archie R. Cole Middle School in East Greenwich, RI.

Guests will stay at the Omni Hotel located in the heart of Providence. In addition to the sporting events, the steering committee has two events planned at Strand Theater in downtown Providence, walking distance from Omni hotel, to entertain all in attendance: on July 5, a dance featuring renowned singer Sako Tashjian, and on July 6, the traditional Victory Dance featuring celebrated singers Nersik and Arabo Ispiryan.

Providence is excited to host these games in a “Providential Way” and looks forward to welcoming scouts, athletes and their families to Rhode Island. This year, we will look back and reflect on the 105 years of memories and service that Homenetmen has provided to Armenian youth around the world. Please visit the official Homenetmen Navasartian Games website to reserve hotel rooms, register for athletic games, place your messages in the Sponsorship and Ad book and purchase dance packages in advance at the discounted rates. We hope to see you in July in Providence!

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Regional Executive thanked the Providence chapter for hosting this important meeting, as well as all of the participating chapters in attendance. The meeting ended with the singing of Harach Nahadag.

Homenetmen Eastern U.S.

Homenetmen Eastern U.S.

The Armenian General Athletic Union and Scouts, known as "Homenetmen," is a non-profit organization founded over 100 years ago. Believing in the idea that strong bodies lead to strong minds, Homenetmen has provided Armenian youth across the globe with a moral, physical and psychological education outside the school environment, while also demonstrating richness of the Armenian culture and heritage. Today, Homenetmen is a worldwide organization with over 25,000 members on five continents. On the East Coast U.S., Homenetmen is a thriving organization with 12 chapters and over 900 members, governed by the Homenetmen Eastern Regional Executive.

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