WATERTOWN, Mass. (A.W.)—The January 2010 magazine issue of the Armenian Weekly, which was published earlier this month, is now available for download in the “Download Issues” section of the Armenian Weekly website.
The magazine features analytical pieces, commentaries, short stories, human interest stories, and photo reportages by Weekly contributors based in the U.S., Canada, Armenia, Turkey, and Germany.
The contributors are: Mujgan Arpat, Henry Astarjian, Christian Garbis, Ayse Gunaysu, Antranig Kasbarian, Lalai Manjikian, Knarik O. Meneshian, Michael Mensoian, Khatchig Mouradian, Jason Sohigian, Talin Suciyan, Tom Vartabedian, and Amberin Zaman.
The magazine also features a special section dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Armenian Weekly.
The issue was mailed free of charge to our subscribers, as well as to thousands of other addresses nationwide.
To download the January 2010 magazine, click here.
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