Garen Mouths Off

Irritants XXIV

Unbelievable…well, maybe not given its leader’s questionable relationship with legality, and disgusting, and politicized, and erosion of the law, and unprecedented according to experts in the field. In case you haven’t guessed yet, this is […]

Garen Mouths Off

Bland 24th, But…

With apologies to readers for the week I took off from writing, I’m back with the COVID-instigated doldrums behind me. It has served as something of an unexpected stay-cation and has, perhaps perversely, been somewhat […]

Garen Mouths Off

April 24 Action During COVID

There’s been a frightening dearth of activity this April’s “Genocide Season” with commemorative activities formally “suspended.” This is understandable… up to a point. We are well past that point. Many of the lectures, presentations, seminars, […]

Garen Mouths Off

Gems, Genocide, Germs

The gems being discussed this week are not stones, but the conspiracy theories that are flying about regarding the germ-of-the-day, the coronavirus sickening millions and killing tens of thousands of people all over earth. The […]

Garen Mouths Off

Permanent, Perpetual Reparations

It’s April, the time of year when the Armenian mind turns, even in these COVID-19 pandemic times, ineluctably, inescapably, irrepressibly, irresistibly, unavoidably, etc. to the Genocide; to loss, incalculable, incomprehensible, inestimable, irretrievable, unfathomable loss; but […]

Garen Mouths Off

Fix it. Fess Up.

A few months ago, Asbarez reported this tidbit of laughter, or more accurately, guffaw-inducing Ankara inanity. It seems Turkey’s High Advisory Board is worried that the Armenian Genocide “issue” is hindering people’s “harmonious” life in […]