Apricot Blood

Pomegranate in Ararat province (Wikimedia Commons)

Rivers of patterns splay on a proud khachkar
tall, baked by a glowing apricot sky
and looming mountains, crisp like knuckles.
All rocks cast a shadow.
The mountains throw down a gaze
where the daisy-yellow glow
is drenched in a maroon pomegranate splatter.

The mountains watch as generations of mothers
pinch golden cheeks with stalagmited fingers,
and they tell their children “վայ, կուտեմ քեզ!” (I could eat you up).
After time, the shadow still drapes over
those same tender faces
split open and gobbled like nascent summer fruits.

Hollow cheeks caress bones
forming a perfect circular socket for an apricot
drenched in the sky.
From the serpentine etches on
a stubborn-strong khachkar,
to the gashed ravines of glistening pomegranates,
our wounds are still open,
and from them, sweet nectar still flows.

Samson Khachatryan

Samson Khachatryan

Samson Khachatryan is a young writer and visual artist based in Los Angeles, California. He is currently a high school student at CSArts-SGV focusing on creative writing. He is an avid reader and often incorporates Armenian themes into his work. In the summer of 2024, Samson interned with the ANCA, participating in the Kasparian Summer Academy.
Samson Khachatryan

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