EAFJD: Azerbaijani Provocations Against Armenia Threaten All-Out War in Region

BRUSSELS, Belgium—The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) has called on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group Co-Chairs, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and relevant European Union (EU) bodies to condemn Azerbaijan’s latest attack, which took place on Dec. 29, and to stop calling both sides to refrain themselves.

Azerbaijani Armed Forces (Photo: Vestnik Kavkaza)

“Such an approach, becomes more and more dangerous for a viable peace in the region and as long as aggressor Azerbaijan, is not named and threatened by sanctions, it will provoke more and more tension, which could lead to a full-scale war,” read a part of the statement released by the EAFJD.

In its statement, the EAFJD reiterated its long-held position that the international community must force Azerbaijan to sign a non-aggression pact with Armenia and curb its armaments race, in order for peace negotiations to resume.

EAFJD President Kaspar Karampetian reminded the recent European Parliament’s delegation to Baku, to convince the Azerbaijani delegations to return to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly and the Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, as well as the recent mandate of the Council of the European Union for the European Commission, to negotiate a comprehensive agreement with Azerbaijan.

Karampetian stressed that the leadership of the EU and its elected members shall uphold the numerous resolutions and decisions of Human Rights first in all foreign policy related issues, as well in its energy policy. “The EU must not fall victim to its energy diversification plans and include Azerbaijan in the process, with its dubious reserves,” read a part of the statement.

“We once more warn that, if Azerbaijan is not stopped by practical measures in continuing its aggressive and hatred policy against Armenia and Armenians, there will always be the threat of an uncontrolled escalation, which will have a domino effect in the region and beyond, with all its devastating results,” said Karampetian.

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