Smart Alecs
No fools are so difficult to manage as those with some brains.
… La Rochefoucauld
Tongue Twister
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He’d chuck all the wood that a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Piso’s Notion of Justice
Seneca tells us that Piso condemned a man to death for murder on circumstantial evidence; but on the way to execution the man supposed to be dead exclaimed, “Hold! I am the man supposed to have been killed.” The centurion sent back the prisoner to Piso, and explained the reason why. Whereupon Piso condemned all three to death, saying “Fiat justitia! I condemn the prisoner to death, because sentence of death has been passed on him; the centurion for disobeying orders; and the man supposed to have been murdered, because he is the cause of death to the other two.”
Word Play
Knott and Shott fought a duel
Knott was shot and Shott was not.
Their seconds concluded that it was better to be Shott than Knott.
Entry in an Autograph Album
What we call luck
Is simply pluck
And doing things over and over;
Courage and will,
Perseverance and skill,
Are luck’s four leaves of clover.
What’s in a Name?
Giureghian: Greek in derivation, identified as a divine term, Kyrios (Cyril, in English) is defined as lord, often referring to God in the Bible.