Koundakjian Reads at Poetry Bash

NEW YORK (A.W.)—An enchanting afternoon of poetry and wine unfolded in the Ceres Gallery in New York on Sept. 24. Armenian American poet Lola Koundakjian, from Above the Bridge, a poetry community, organized the event.

Lola Koundakjian

The creator of the Armenian Poetry Project, Koundakjian read six poems: “A trip to Egypt,” “Hudson Palisades,” “The Cadavers off Ocean Parkway LI,” “Moods,” “Irene” (about the recent hurricane that swept through the East coast), and “In Search of Rilke at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.”

Poets John Affleck, Stacey Linden, Angela Lovell, John Miller, Peggy Ann Tartt, Greg Thomas, and Emy Zener also participated in the event, offering moving readings of their own work. Their themes ranged from musings on the existence of parallel universes, to struggling with anorexia, to childhood memories, to the challenges of being a gay man in 1960’s USA.

The Ceres Gallery houses contemporary art from female artists. The current exhibitions feature the works of Aryn Chapman, titled “Alternative Selves,” and Sara Conklin’s “Family Portraits.”


  1. Lola Koundakjian – a modern day saint of Armenian poetry – enriches our lives as Armenians, thoughtfully preserving, effectively promoting, and creatively re-inventing the rich legacy of Armenian letters for news generations, including a world of non-Armenian readers who she has introduced to our diverse and ever-evolving literary culture. – Aram Suren Hamparian

  2. Parev:

    I am looking for a poem,, the name was “ANI”    I have tried to find the transcript, but  unfortunenatley, I have not been very successful.    If you know anybody that may have, or you may have it at your office,   I am willing to buy the book that has all the famous Armenian poems, including the ANI poem.

    Any kind of help is appreciated tremendously.    Thank you so much.

    Ardamis Diana Antaramian.

    I ou. 

  3. “I don’t like to advertise about my self …I don’t need to do…”
    I am well known as a medical doctor and my articles are published Internationally in medical sites PUBMED of USA

    I have 12 Poetry Collections during 4 year-period, more than 1000 verses
    In Amazon books, Barnes and Noble…and many others
    Most covers of my books are by Armenian painters …
    Took me long time to communicate with them till I had some help…
    I wanted the world to know how many famous painters we have and no one knows about them…

    Armenian famous painters:
    Andrey Antonyan: covers of two books number 3 and 7
    Vakhtang Sirunyan: cover of book number 8
    Alexander Sadoyan: cover of number 9
    Sevada Grigoryan: cover of book number 12
    Jenny Yousif-Bearnette: cover of book number 6 my niece: Daughter of my sister Sona Portoian)
    Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002): cover of book 13 will go to press soon, Churchill without his cigar… the most famous photo…
    The covers of Books 10 and 11 are painted by my darling American friend, Nancy Dammen Jones, she reads my poems better than me.

    Sylva Portoian’s published poetry collections (July 2007- March 2012):
    1- Lance My Hart (Heart) at a Glance (July 2007)
    2- Delete Depression—Type Inspiration (November 2007)
    3- A Poetic Soul Shined of Genocides (August 2008)
    4- Angel “Lilit” Lilting via Internet (October 2008)
    5- Sons: Take My Heart and Transplant (February 2009)
    6- Millennium Brains Lacrimate (March 2009)
    7- Politics Play, People Pay, Poets Proms Pledging Pray (May 2009)
    8- E-mails: Beneath Blossoming Trees (June 2009)
    9- Songs of Searing Desert Storms (December 2009)
    10- Sylva’s Serenade dative Eyes (January 2010)
    11- “My Son—My Love”: Chants Ann, Obama’s Mother (June 2011)
    12- Syndromes of Souls (March 2012)
    13- Churchill and the Secret of Armenian Brandy…The cover will be by famous photographer Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002) Forwarded to Alexander Saroukhan (1898-1977) Famous Cartoonist.

    If any Armenian painter interested to send his painting, I have at least another 4 books to work on, he/she can send the painting to me…to cover my poetry books…
    In each book i have poetry on genocide…
    Book 3 and 11 dedicated fully for genocide…
    Book 12 dedicated to Hrant Dink…

    Thanks for reading, and not neglecting- vanishing like turks in seconds this article by Armenian editors on this site…!


    • This lady insulted me …Saying your prize in poetry is useless … I was sick for weeks…
      I won My Carnegie Poetry Poetry Prize Spring 2008 for my poem “Inauguration day” …
      Some Armenians like to hurt each other … and get jealous…
      We should help and encourage each other …we are a small race…
      Encouragement is the “Kiss of Life” everyone needs …
      Now I have 20 historical Poetry books about every subject specially about Genocide …
      I wrote to many Armenians sites no one answers …
      Can I know the reason?

      Sylva’s Twenty Historical Poetry Collections since July 2007:
      Lance my Hart {Heart} at a Glance (July 2007)
      Translated into Arabic language (September 2018)
      Delete Depression~Type Inspiration (November 2007)
      A Poetic Soul Shined of Genocides (August 2008)
      Angel “Lilit” Lilting via Internet (October 2008)
      Sons: Take My Heart and Transplant (February 2009)
      Millennium Brains Lacrimade (March 2009)
      Politics Play~People Pay (May 2009)
      E-Mails: Beneath Blossoming Trees (June 2009)
      Songs of Searing Desert Storms (December 2009)
      Sylva’s Serenade Dative Eyes (January 2010)
      My Son~My Sun: Chants Ann, Obama’s Mother (June 2011)
      Syndromes of Souls (March 2012)
      Carve Poetry ‘Into’ Your Psyche (July 2014)
      Gomidas~Komitas, ‘My Musical Saint’ (April 2016)
      Arches of Symphonious ‘Sabre Dance’ (April 2017)
      Churchill at Ararat with Sylva’s Ethereal Love Songs (January 2018)
      ‘BRING OUT’ our Genocided Skulls & Artful Hands (April 2018)
      “Serdis” (My Heart)~Sylva’s Armenian Blossoming Poetry (May 2018)
      Your Brain ‘IS NOT’ a Box It’s Your Horse (May 2018)

      Sylva Portoian is the Carnegie spring 2009 Poetry Contest Winner of Policy
      Innovations (Carnegie Council on Ethics andInternational Affairs) for her poem “Inauguration Day”

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