Homenetmen Eastern USA 32nd Navasartian Games a great success

The 32nd Annual Homenetmen Eastern USA Region Navasartian Games, organized by the Homenetmen Eastern USA Regional Executive and hosted by Providence, took place from Thursday, July 4 to Saturday, July 6, 2024, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy, and in presence of the Homenetmen Central Executive. The athletes stayed at the Providence Omni Hotel, where the organizing committee of the Providence chapter, which was hard at work since last year headed by chairman Garo Tashian and secretary Ida Arslanian, spared no effort to create the best sporting and friendly atmosphere for the occasion.

Athletes from chapters along the Eastern USA Region participated in the sports and events that were planned for the weekend. This year over 600 athletes participated from 11 chapters of the region, coming from Albany, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Florida, Merrimack Valley, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Providence and Washington. There were also athletes who participated from the Laval chapter of the Homenetmen Canada Region.

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The sports took place in two stadiums at East Greenwich High School and Archie Cole Middle School in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Overall, the chapters of the region comprised 21 soccer, 15 volleyball and 44 basketball teams, as well as 20 individual chess competitors and 150 athletes for track. The games were organized in the following brackets — pee-wee (nine years old and under), bantam (10-12 years old), teen (13-15), junior (16-18), senior (19-34) and veteran (35 and above). 

Each game was supported by enthusiastic parents and friends who went from field to field to watch their athletes compete. Teams went head-to-head in every sport, competing until the very last minute for a victory, while keeping their competition friendly against their friends from other chapters. 

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On Thursday, July 4, the opening night of entertainment took place at El Laham Restaurant in Cranston. The youth gathered for dinner and entertainment, featuring DJ Arden, who kept everyone on the dance floor well into the evening. 

On Friday, July 5, a dance was held in The Strand Ballroom Providence, with popular singer Sako Tashjian and his band, whose positive energy and exceptional music were a hit with the young audience.

On the evening of Saturday, July 6, over 800 people attended a victory dance at The Strand Ballroom, featuring renowned singers Arabo and Nersik Ispiryan and their band. The ballroom was filled with dancing, and the sounds of patriotic music roared through the early hours of the morning. 

Trophies were presented by the Regional Athletic Committee. The highest overall score went to the Boston chapter, best sportsmanship was awarded to Providence, and the most improved chapter went to Florida. 

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Total points distribution was as follows: 

Boston – 61
New York – 44
New Jersey – 26
Florida – 25
Providence – 24
Chicago -19
Merrimack Valley – 11
Washington – 10 

During the same weekend, the Regional Athletic Committee organized tryouts for athletes interested in competing in the Pan-Homenetmen Athletic Games that will take place in Armenia next summer. 

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On Saturday, July 6 at 10:45 in the morning, the closing ceremonies of the 32nd Navasartian Games took place in the East Greenwich High School stadium. 

It was a real pleasure to witness the parade of scouts, led by flag bearers, the Providence scouts’ band, the Homenetmen insignia held on a large scale and all the scouts of the region. 

Homenetmen Scouts standing at attention during the anthems at the closing ceremonies of the Navasartian Games

The scouts were followed by members of the Regional Athletic Committee and the athletes from the 12 participating chapters, each representing their chapter on a poster that they proudly held.  More than 600 scouts and athletes participated in this wonderful parade. The master of ceremonies of the day, Maral Kachadourian, gave information on the membership of each chapter as well as their scouting and athletics divisions. 

After the scouts and athletes entered the field, the program began with the singing of the anthems of the United States, Armenia, Canada and Artsakh, as well as the anthems of both the Homenetmen and Homenetmen Scouts. The anthems were sung by Providence chapter members Rosdom Mkrtschjan and Taleen Donoyan. The opening prayer was then offered by Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian, pastor of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church in Providence. 

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After Kachadourian welcomed all the attendees, she introduced the guests of honor of the day: representing Archbishop Tanielian was Rev Fr. Nazarian; Vahe Tanashian, member of the Central Executive of Homenetmen; Vicken Khatchadourian, chairman of the Eastern USA Regional Executive; Steve Mesrobian, representative of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Eastern USA Central Committee; Manoushag Krikorian, ARS Eastern USA Region representative; Nareg Mkrtschjan, AYF-YOARF Eastern USA Region chairman; Hagop Khatchadourian, Homenetmen Providence Executive chairman; Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian; Reverend Hagop Manjelikian; Malcolm Varadian, Sts. Vartanantz Church of Providence Board of Trustees member; Garo Tashian, chairman of the Providence ARF Kristapor Gomideh; Maro Nadjarian, ARS Arax chapter vice-chairwoman; Sarkis Minassian, Hamazkayin of Providence Executive chairman; Hagop Taraksian, AYF-YOARF Providence Varantian chapter chairman; and all of the members of the regional executive board, regional athletic committee, scouting council and organizing committee for the Navasartian Games.

Hagop Khatchadourian, chairman of the host Providence chapter, offered remarks and thanked the regional executive for the opportunity to host the Navasartian Games. Hagop expressed his best wishes to each of the regions’ chapter executives, athletes and scouts, who made every effort to participate in these games and contribute to its success. He conveyed his gratitude to the Providence steering committee, which, thanks to its hard work, was able to organize the games in the best way possible. He also noted his appreciation for the regional athletic committee, scout council, all athletes and scouts, for their participation and dedication to the organization. Hagop expressed heartfelt thanks to all Homenetmen members, parents and supportive friends, especially the volunteers who served with love and stood behind the success of the weekend. Concluding his speech, he noted that the Homentemen organization and its mission will continue for generations, the future of our Armenian nation.

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Chairman of the Homenetmen Eastern USA Region Executive Vicken Khatchadourian welcomed all the attendees and congratulated the Providence chapter for its hard work and commitment to the organization. He emphasized the role of Homenetmen in teaching the Armenian youth to be patriots of their nation and model citizens to all those around them. Our work will never stop, as the motto of Homenetmen, which translates to “Rise and Raise,” requires constant dedication, he said. The hundreds of athletes and scouts standing in the fields will one day become the leaders of the future, and he reminded them all to always be ready to serve their nation and homeland. Vicken thanked the Regional Athletic Committee, who worked tirelessly with all committees and executives to prepare the athletic portion of the Navasartian Games. He also expressed his gratitude to all the steering committee members and chapters whose work is the basis of the region’s victories. Finally, he thanked all the athletes and their families, whose participation year after year ensures the success of the region and organization.

Steve Mesrobian from the ARF Eastern USA Central Committee congratulated the Homenetmen Eastern USA Region and the host chapter. He said that since 1918, Homenetmen has prepared the youth with the concept of “strong mind, strong body,” educating our Armenian youth morally and physically so that they become the future leaders of our culture and heritage. While we tragically lost a liberated Artsakh due to renewed Azerbaijani and Turkish genocidal attacks against our people, he said, the world powers stood idly by, or worse, indirectly supported these crimes against our nation. Mesrobian called on the youth to replace feelings of indifference and hopelessness, not put their hope in external forces, and remain faithful to using their gifts for the improvement of the homeland. The ARF will continue to call on the members of its sister organizations and all Armenians to stand firm and defend the just demands of a free, united and independent Armenia and Artsakh. The ARF has always remained faithful to the rights of our nation and people, to ensure the lands of Armenia and Artsakh for our children, he concluded.

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Member of the Central Executive of Homenetmen Vahe Tanashian, on behalf of the 110+ chapters and 26,000+ members, welcomed all to the 32nd Navasartian Games of the Eastern USA Region. He noted that whatever the results of the competitions throughout the weekend, everyone is victorious, and Homenetmen will always be victorious. He shed light on the army of volunteers who stand behind the success of the weekend — executive, organizers, coaches, referees, athletes, officials, parents, friends and supporters. Undoubtedly, this year’s games have a different meaning, he said, with the participants wearing the special badges of Artsakh on their chests. Artsakh is present in every game, stadium and competition, with its “Mamig & Babig” and flag on every athlete’s jersey and scout’s uniform. Tanashian spoke to how members of Homenetmen know the importance of preserving their national values and expressed hope that one day the Armenian people will get back what was taken from them. Homenetmen was created as a response to all those who want to weaken and defeat the Armenian people, but the path of Homenetmen and the path of Artsakh is one of empowerment. It reflects the values of strengthening human and material resources and strengthening souls and minds. It is imperative that we build both a victorious nation and a sovereign and powerful homeland, he concluded.

The last speech was given on behalf of Archbishop Tanielian by Providence Sts. Vartanantz Church pastor Rev. Fr. Nazarian. He conveyed paternal wishes and congratulations to the Homenetmen Eastern USA Region, the Providence chapter, as well as to the athletes and scouts. He recalled that the Homenetmen games confirm the unstoppable will of the Armenian people, continuing the 106-year-old mission of the honorable organization to create a healthy profile among Armenian youth. Having mobilized Armenian youth through physical education on the American continent for more than three decades, Homenetmen has succeeded in educating its members with the spirit of self-renovation and Armenian pride, he concluded. 

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With the weather catching up to the games and leading to torrential rain, Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian offered the closing prayer, and the championship games continued on the indoor courts.

During the closing ceremony, Tanashian shared the three honorary medals bestowed by Homenetmen. The highest order is the Order of Merit (“Arjanyats Shkanshan”). On this occasion, he announced that the Central Executive of Homenetmen determined that Providence’s own Hagop Khatchadourian would receive the Order of Merit. Tanashian introduced Hagop’s long biography from his early age to the present. He served in the scouting and sports divisions of the Aleppo chapter of the Homenetmen, and since 1981, has been an active member of the Providence chapter. He has served as a member of the Regional Executive and participated in more than 10 Eastern USA Regional conventions. From 1997-2006, Hagop was appointed as the correspondent of Marzig newspaper and participated in three world-wide Homenetmen conventions. In 2016 he was given the Service Award on behalf of the Homenetmen Eastern Region for all his service to the organization. Hagop has served for 10 years on the Board of Trustees of the Providence Sts. Vartanantz Church, where he served on the altar from a young age and since 1978 as a deacon. He is currently completing his fourth term on the Eastern Prelacy Executive Council. In 2022, he was a world delegate on behalf of Eastern Prelacy in Antelias for the National General Assembly of Cilicia. Hagop was enthusiastically congratulated by all those present. 

As the 32nd annual Homenetmen Eastern USA Region Navasartian Games comes to an end, the steering committee would like to thank all of the athletes of the participating chapters, scouts and supporters, who continue to follow the “Rise and Raise” motto of Homenetmen. We wish the same enthusiasm and support to the 33rd annual games, which will take place in Chicago, hoping they achieve great success for the strength of our Armenian nation.

Homenetmen Eastern U.S.

Homenetmen Eastern U.S.

The Armenian General Athletic Union and Scouts, known as "Homenetmen," is a non-profit organization founded over 100 years ago. Believing in the idea that strong bodies lead to strong minds, Homenetmen has provided Armenian youth across the globe with a moral, physical and psychological education outside the school environment, while also demonstrating richness of the Armenian culture and heritage. Today, Homenetmen is a worldwide organization with over 25,000 members on five continents. On the East Coast U.S., Homenetmen is a thriving organization with 12 chapters and over 900 members, governed by the Homenetmen Eastern Regional Executive.

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