On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 1 p.m. local time, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces initiated a large-scale assault on the Artsakh Republic. Incidents of artillery fire have been reported along the Line of Contact, impacting residential areas in the capital, Stepanakert, as well as towns and villages across the republic.
Like a never-ending nightmare, a monstrous specter that stubbornly persists beyond the dawn, the relentless and deadly blockade imposed upon what remains of the Artsakh Republic, followed by an unprovoked and savage attack, should have been recognized, at the very least, as a jarring anachronism in the 21st century by the civilized nations of the world. Yet, it continues unabated.
The Armenian Relief Society earnestly implores all enlightened nations, organizations, societies and individuals to set aside political considerations and champion the global imperative of justice, actively constructing an equitable future for all nations without discrimination. Furthermore, we beseech you to take a resolute stance against the aggression exhibited by the Azerbaijani government, which has persistently engaged in unprovoked acts of hostility against Armenia and Artsakh.
Armenian Relief Society, Inc.
September 19, 2023
A sad day for us today the world just looks on while the well known saying the Armenian suffering.Why God I thought we were the chosen race,the first Christians in the world.Is this a religious annilation and not a territorial repossession,Europe is being overrun. Savvat Arnem. Gess hye gess idalatsi.
Well! May be we are following in our Lord’s footsteps. He never gave up and knew his end on this planet was coming. But He never forgot who He was/is. As we never will forget who we are and never give our sovereignty to the wolves!