WATERTOWN, Mass.—The Armenian Youth Federation-Youth Organization of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (AYF-YOARF) has planned its initiatives for 2019.
Recently on January 26, more than 50 AYF members from across the eastern United States headed to Watertown to participate in this year’s council meeting weekend. Members from all of the AYF-YOARF’s Central Councils met at the Hairenik Building to discuss the upcoming year and plan the group’s calendar of events and goals.
This year, every council addressed the membership’s needs and discussed ways to improve from last year. The councils are focused on educating not only its junior and senior membership, but also the Armenian community in various current and past events. There was positive and exciting energy at the Hairenik building from the moment the meetings started. Every member was eager to utilize their strengths and skills to contribute to the betterment of the organization.
When the meetings concluded, senior members from different states, traveled once more to Providence, Rhode Island to support their ungers and ungeroohis at the Varantian Ball. The Providence Vartanian Chapter hosted a beautiful evening with a live band and delicious food. Members of the community from near and far gathered on the dance floor ‘oos-oosi’ to celebrate the “Varantian” chapter and the AYF. The senior members who attended council meeting weekend enjoyed this event as a time to catch up with old friends and make memories with new ones. One day’s work will be a reflection of how successful a year the AYF-Eastern Region will have. This is just the beginning.
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