Our RoA Problems


A scene from the 'Electric Yerevan' protests
A scene from the ‘Electric Yerevan’ protests (Photo: russia-insider.com)

I doubt any serious person has doubts that the Republic of Armenia (RoA) has serious problems. A few might not grasp that much of it stems from the system in place, which is built on corruption. But, many probably do not fully grasp the intertwined and confusing causes of this corruption and problems.

I am one of those who is perhaps just starting to assemble all the pieces conceptually. By sharing some of these thoughts and realizations, many stemming from a very interesting discussion at a recent ARF meeting, I hope to develop the necessary awareness among our nation to support solutions to these devastating problems.

The first thing to realize is that the RoA’s problems are manifestations of global, regional, and local factors.

The global aspect comes from the dominant, neo-liberal, economic prescriptions freely distributed by the developed countries to everyone else. These “medications” treat money, profit, and “the economy” as paramount. Human needs are secondary. These prescriptions led to the misery we witnessed in Asia and Latin America in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

This brings us to the regional factors. They are the side-effects of the same prescriptions (as above) that were handed out in the post-Soviet space by “advisors” who, effectively, took advantage of unsuspecting populations’ desires for political freedom and economic well-being. Not knowing how the West’s economies/polities/societies functioned, the people of the region could not have imagined what was to befall them. In the absence of the regulations and the checks-and-balances that have been built into Western systems, those who had any kind of power during the Soviet period used it to avariciously and destructively enrich themselves, weld economic and political power, and secure it firmly in their hands.

Locally, because of two belligerent (Azerbaijan, Turkey), one untrustworthy (Georgia), and one friendly but constrained (Iran) neighbor Armenia has, everything is impacted and perceived through the prism of security, especially with the genocide as an ever-present reminder of what is possible. That lesson has been refreshed often: property grabs during the early-Ataturk Republic period, Varlik Vergisi during World War II, looting in the 1950’s, Cyprus in the 1970’s, Kurdish massacres throughout the last century, de-Armenianization of Nakhichevan, Azerbaijan’s massacres of Armenians from 1989 onward, Turkey’s support of ISIS/Daesh, and Azerbaijan’s ongoing adventurism along the front. The country is landlocked. Plus, the civil war between Ankara’s forces and the Kurds in Western Armenia, along with ISIS/Daesh in Iraq and Syria, could easily spill across the Arax River into the RoA or enter circuitously through Azerbaijan (remember the Afghan mercenaries who fought against Karabagh’s liberation in the early 1990’s).

Now, couple this with the level of civic awareness and economic destitution in the RoA. It seems to me that the mindset of a vast majority of the people in the RoA is what might best be described as that of subjects and not citizens. The exceptions are, of course, the exploiting oligarch class and the relatively small numbers of (mostly young) people who have taken to the streets to protest various wrongs (Electric Yerevan, mining, Trchgan, etc.). This is what enables the buying of votes by abusers who then maintain their “elected” hold on power and perpetuate the skewed (or ignored, or “bent”) rules and laws. The cycle continues with people then being forced into poverty and desperation, allowing the future buying of votes. The sense of “This is mine and I won’t let some creep ruin it” does not yet exist for most people, and when it does, the need to feed their kids often overrides it.

This subjugation exists in one form or another worldwide. The massive campaign monies that flow in the United States maintain the hold of the money elites over power. In Saudi Arabia, oil money handed out to the people (in various forms and subsidies) buys their quiescence. In Turkey, the party in power, recently shifted from Ataturk’s to Erdogan’s, gets all kinds of spoils, and pays off its supporters (think of all the scandals that have emerged over just the past 2-3 years involving high-level government officials and even Erdogan’s son). Moscow’s corruption needs no description. Beijing’s “controlled” capitalism comes at the cost of people’s social and political freedom.

The RoA is just like everywhere else, but with security concerns unlike almost anywhere else. This leads to a fear, an internal constraint people put upon themselves in protesting and trying to achieve changes in a flawed system, lest the country be endangered due to internal instability or strife.

So what’s to be done? We can hope for the oligarchs to attenuate their abuses out of the goodness of their hearts, or for the sake of the country, since current conditions are driving a massive exodus of young and talented people. Given that the oligarchs have probably set up nicely padded nests of stolen money internationally, most of them probably don’t care very much. This does not seem like a very promising option, unless somehow the oligarchs come to fear for their hold on power.

The other approach is activism, both in and out of country, with the aim of systemic change. If the destructive trend of driving wages to the lowest possible levels through artificially created international “competition” can be reversed and the power of money elites once again contained, then analogous changes will be much easier to implement in our homeland as well. Simultaneously, we must help our compatriots develop a strong sense of citizenship and ownership of the RoA so they can more assertively pursue the necessary reforms.

Consider this when voting in this year’s U.S. elections. Let’s start working towards a livable world for all, not just the hyper-rich.

Garen Yegparian

Garen Yegparian

Asbarez Columnist
Garen Yegparian is a fat, bald guy who has too much to say and do for his own good. So, you know he loves mouthing off weekly about anything he damn well pleases to write about that he can remotely tie in to things Armenian. He's got a checkered past: principal of an Armenian school, project manager on a housing development, ANC-WR Executive Director, AYF Field worker (again on the left coast), Operations Director for a telecom startup, and a City of LA employee most recently (in three different departments so far). Plus, he's got delusions of breaking into electoral politics, meanwhile participating in other aspects of it and making sure to stay in trouble. His is a weekly column that appears originally in Asbarez, but has been republished to the Armenian Weekly for many years.
Garen Yegparian

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  1. {Simultaneously, we must help our compatriots develop a strong sense of citizenship and ownership of the RoA so they can more assertively pursue the necessary reforms.}

    Some of “we” in Diaspora hallucinate about “activism…out of the country”, while most Armenians in RoA have the strongest sense of citizenship and ownership. Thank you very much.

    God bless RoA’s Բազմազավակ grandmothers and mothers.
    [72-ամյա կինը կենտրոնական հավաքակայանում 15-րդ զինվորին է բանակ ճանապարհում]
    (72 year old grandma sends-off her 15th grandson on his tour of duty)

  2. Well said. Activism in Armenia has unfairly earned a bad name. It’s all about fighting for your rights. Especially in light of recent developments of Serge Sargsyan getting comfortable at imposing his rule for lifetime and increased harassment of the opposition. Diasporans should also fight their share of the fight.

    • Aren’t you associated with “Founding Parliament”? We all know that of the current leadership gets ousted, it will be Western funded mercenaries that take over in Yerevan. No thanks. I’ll stick with the devil I know.

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