YEREVAN (A.W.)—On Mon., April 27, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) announced that it is parting ways with Armenia’s ruling coalition, citing “insurmountable” differences in foreign policy issues.
In a statement, the party condemned and deemed unacceptable the joint statement issued on April 22—less than two days before Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day—by the foreign ministries of Turkey and Armenia. The party also cited serious disagreements on some of the issues that are under discussion between Turkish and Armenian officials.
“Henceforth, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation will work as a new opposition force in Armenia’s political landscape,” said the statement, underlining that the party will present alternatives to the current government’s policies and will aim at “counterbalancing and restraining” the actions of the authorities.
The ARF stressed that it will be dealing with Turkey-Armenia relations and the Karabagh issue based exclusively on national interests.
Road map
On April 22, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Turkey, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs issued a joint statement announcing that a road map for normalizing relations has been identified. The statement, posted on the websites of Armenia’s and Turkey’s Foreign Ministries, read:
“Turkey and Armenia, together with Switzerland as mediator, have been working intensively with a view to normalizing their bilateral relations and developing them in a spirit of good-neighborliness, and mutual respect, and thus to promoting peace, security and stability in the whole region.
“The two parties have achieved tangible progress and mutual understanding in this process and they have agreed on a comprehensive framework for the normalization of their bilateral relations in a mutually satisfactory manner. In this context, a road-map has been identified.
“This agreed basis provides a positive prospect for the on-going process.”
The ARF reacted immediately, threatening to pull out of the coalition. In a statement issued on April 23, the party wrote: “ Good neighborly relations between the two countries can only be established after the recognition by Turkey of the Armenian Genocide and the restoration of the rights of the Armenian people.” The statement underlined the party’s position that only “the lifting of the blockade and the establishment of diplomatic relations, without preconditions, can serve as first steps on this path. It is absolutely unacceptable for us that relations with Turkey be normalized at the expense of Armenia’s sovereignty, the viability of its existence, or the national and state rights of future Armenian generations.”
At a time that the U.S. is debating whether to go ahead with its anti-missile system in Europe against Russia under a
hypothetical threat from Iran, and the U.S. and other Nato forces are holding military exercises in Georgia, it seems to me
that Armenia is coaxed into this friendship by Turkey probably at the behest of the U.S. The re-emergence of Russia as a power to be reckon with, and the recent Chinese display of modernization of its army and navy, has signified the need for the U.S. to establish a friendly countries corridor in Asia against Russian and Chinese expansion of influence.
Does Armenia want to be part of that game? Georgia and Ukraine thought before that being part of that game will
make them secure from Russia, rich and prosperous. These countries are in shambles now, and the worst is yet to come.
Turkey is on the game to lure Armenia into the Western geopolitical strategy in Central Asia in return of U.S. help to
Turkey’s admission into the European Union. At the same time, Turkey can wash out the Armenian Genocide of 1915
with euphemisms such as “millions of Turks died too”, and come on top of the Armenian Genocide as a victim too! And that will be the ultimate insult to the 1.5 Armenian genocide victims, and an insult to the history of the Armenian nation.
Turkey wants to use its friendship with Armenia not only as a Trojan Horse to enter the European Union, but also expects a friendly Armenia to cooperate with Turkey on military intelligence against the Kurdish guerrillas. And the U.S. will be part of that military intelligence network against Iran. And once Armenia has become part of that U.S./Turkey network, and once it has alienated Russia and has nowhere else to go, Armenian interests in Nagorno Karabagh will be sold out to Azerbaijan to
keep it in the Western alliance as well. That is how the U.S. deceived the late legendary Kurdish guerrilla leader Mustafa Barzani, and brought him to the U.S. to live in Washington under a CIA pension until his death, and it is still unknown if that
was voluntary or against his will. And of course the de-population of Kurds from southeastern Turkey continues, as is the bombing of the Kurdish villages in Eastern Turkey and northern Iraq with the consent of the U.S.
Does Armenia want to be an errand boy of the U.S. and Turkey in the game of the geopolitical interests in the region? I am sure Armenia will be offered sweetening deals to become part of the U.S./Turkey fold, but, if it does, it will become so dependent in the long run that it will find itself subservient and unable to disengage. A look at the collapsing economies of
Georgia and Ukraine may provide a glimpse of what Armenia may look like some day down the road. And once that road is taken, as Georgia and Ukraine have found out, there may be no easy return.
I am sure there are different opinions in Armenia about what is best for the country, and what the country’s best interests are.
But the motto: “history repeat itself”, because those who do not know history repeat the mistakes of the past, carries a lot of weight for Armenia. Armenia shall not sweep its history under the rug for expediency. And that is why Iran wisely doesn’t
want to jump into the U.S. offer for better U.S/Iranian relations. Because it doesn’t want to sweep its past history of full U.S. control of the country under the rug, to make sure that it is not repeated again. Global hegemonism is like a spider web. The smaller counties trapped in are usually the victims. And as the proverb says: “Be careful what you want. You may get it!” Nikos Retsos, retired professor
what the hell is the matter with you people, i am an american born Armenian that speaks the language VERY fluently. as well as the enemies’ language fluently. my father and mother and my grandparents are rolling in their graves.i am very angry that the armenian community does not know how to fight the real fight. isn’t there an ARMY in the homeland.and how come the PHD.s and the rest of the socalled “ARMENIAN PROFESSORS”, educating these people in america about the ways that the turks manipulate. and why isn’t there anyone in the armenian diaspora putting out news releases about the likes of ex:politician dick gebhardt who receives over 125,000 a month to lobby washington to forget/block the recognition of the genocide. and the likes of german run, duetsche bank holding 2 trillion of armenian money from the genocide in its coffers. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IN TODAYS MONEY THE 2 TRILLION IS WORTH IN TODAYS MONEY……come on people lets get on the ball.i am the youngest of 7 children, the first 4 were born there, the last 3 were born here. i am 53 yrs.old do i have to die when i am 88yrs. old like my dad, and this still not recognized………………sincerly ticked off, christapor keorkunian
I haven’t been able to find any information as to Russia’s feelings on this new arrangement. I cannot believe Armenia would do anything to alienate its protector by angering them. It just may be that Russia has extended its silent blessing to this new arrangement since Russia has been openly pursuing trade contacts with Turkey.
I must say that the diaspora has to resolve itself to the fact that this matter rests solely with the citizens of Armenia. It would be unwise to meddle in Armenia’s internal affairs.
And let’s face it. Turkey has been able to push Armenia around due to the fact the the Turkish coalition of countries exist. Armenia cannot deal with this problem by letting another generation of Armenians isolate itself. The Armenians can hold their own with anybody.
Why it took them so long ?
ARF Quits Armenia’s Governing Coalition
Good riddance to bad rubbish!