ANCA-ER Banquet Showcases ‘Hai Tahd’ Activists’ Exemplary Work

We’re less than four months away from the 7th annual ANCA Eastern Region Banquet, which will be held in the city of brotherly love—Philadelphia—on Sat., Oct. 12.

The banquet committee has been working tirelessly for months to ensure that this year’s banquet, like all the others before it, will be a huge success for Hai Tahd and, of course, for our activists.
Even if you’ve never attended a banquet before, by now you probably understand the gist of it: It’s a chance for the ANCA Eastern Region to thank and recognize our strong allies, to reflect on a year’s worth of successes, and to look to the future as we take on new initiatives while chipping away at the current ones.
But the annual banquet has become so much more than that. Now in its seventh year, the banquet symbolizes how our Hai Tahd past, present, and future come together in one night. We’re able to analyze where we’ve been and measure where we’re going, which is what the ANCA does on a regular basis anyway. But at the banquet, we’re able to do so in the company of our friends, colleagues and honorees.
ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian recently told me, “I’m excited that this year’s ANCA Eastern Region Banquet will be in Philadelphia, a historic birthplace of American liberty, a great destination city for visitors, and, of course, home to one of our country’s warmest and most welcoming Armenian communities. I look forward to joining with friends from across our region and around the country at this celebration of our community and our cause.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania as a whole, is home to some of our finest ANCA activists. The ANC of Pennsylvania has been active for years and is constantly working for the cause, whether by meeting with representatives or hosting informational sessions on relevant Armenian topics like Nagorno-Karabagh.
Besides celebrating our Armenian roots, we also have the opportunity to thank and spend time with our non-Armenian friends—people like Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), who has been a long-time advocate and supporter of Armenian issues, and last year’s Freedom Award winner, Baroness Caroline Cox.
The ANCA works throughout the year to make sure the values and concerns of Armenian Americans are heard, but it is easy to forget how well oiled a machine it can be. Some might say having a banquet to celebrate accomplishments seems self-involved. But what better way to showcase the fantastic work our region has done, is doing, and will continue to do than by bringing everyone together and reflecting on it? Why not show those who cannot attend just how special the ANCA really is by lighting a fire in the hearts of our activists and friends?
Some view the banquet as just another night. But I see potential. The ANCA Eastern Region is a leader because of its grassroots mobility and organization. We’re always on the go because we can’t afford to be dormant.
Come join us at this year’s banquet for a chance to witness Hai Tahd at its best. At the very least, you’ll meet new friends, learn a little, and build the support network to continue your activism in the future.
Please go to to purchase your tickets now and get the latest details about the schedule of events, which includes a Friday night kickoff event on Oct. 11, a silent auction and cocktail hour on Saturday night before dinner at 8:00 p.m.
We look forward to seeing you again, or in some cases, meeting you for the first time. It’s never too early to start your Hai Tahd journey.