Garen Mouths Off

Gems, Genocide, Germs

The gems being discussed this week are not stones, but the conspiracy theories that are flying about regarding the germ-of-the-day, the coronavirus sickening millions and killing tens of thousands of people all over earth. The […]

Garen Mouths Off

Permanent, Perpetual Reparations

It’s April, the time of year when the Armenian mind turns, even in these COVID-19 pandemic times, ineluctably, inescapably, irrepressibly, irresistibly, unavoidably, etc. to the Genocide; to loss, incalculable, incomprehensible, inestimable, irretrievable, unfathomable loss; but […]

Garen Mouths Off

Fix it. Fess Up.

A few months ago, Asbarez reported this tidbit of laughter, or more accurately, guffaw-inducing Ankara inanity. It seems Turkey’s High Advisory Board is worried that the Armenian Genocide “issue” is hindering people’s “harmonious” life in […]