AMAA launches “Project Revive”

Recovery Program for the People of Artsakh

YEREVAN—The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) continues to advance its mission by launching two new projects in Armenia: immediate short-term and long-term support to the families forcibly displaced from Artsakh, after the September 19 forced exodus.

Through the housing and livelihood programs of ‘Project Revive’, AMAA aims to support displaced families to restore their normal lives and meet their long-term needs.

For this purpose, the program plans to support Artsakh families who took refuge in Lori, Shirak, Tavush, Syunik and Gegharkunik provinces with:

  • compensation for housing rent;
  • repairs;
  • the provision of up to 10 residential houses to the most vulnerable families, in order to form a  centralized community in a selected village;
  • training aimed at improving living conditions;
  • property or equipment;
  • establishing small businesses;
  • assistance in job placement;
  • enhancing agricultural development;
  • psychological services;
  • referral to other structures according to the need.
Father and son from Artsakh in Vayots Dzor

Within the framework of the one-time support program, families who took refuge in Ararat, Kotayk, Aragatsotn, Armavir and Vayots Dzor provinces and Yerevan will receive financial assistance to cover their immediate needs.

We appeal to you for your continued support and prayers. Hand-in-hand we will help our brothers and sisters get through this difficult time.

Donations to ‘Project Revive’ may be made online or mailed to Armenian Missionary Association, 31 West Century Road, Paramus, NJ 07652.

Armenian Missionary Association of America
The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) was founded in 1918, in Worcester, MA, and incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization in 1920 in the State of New York. We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Our purpose is to serve the physical and spiritual needs of people everywhere, both at home and overseas. To fulfill this worldwide mission, we maintain a range of educational, evangelistic, relief, social service, church and child care ministries in 24 countries around the world.
Armenian Missionary Association of America

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