You arrived in my life again, planted in the furrow,
A mighty seedling of sight, of memory, of shadow,
Easter opening soft as the sun, recollected,
Սրտիս նոր ծաղիկները budding with love of fire,
Fortitude and intellect, resurrected.
No longer a stranger to indigeneity,
Accompanied by those long radiating bravery,
I walked small with grief-displacing wonder
Into another world you’re still seeding, together,
Each step a little death of fear, in good measure.
Senses kneeling at the living stories outpouring
From every niche, I grasped old TVs and
New slips of paper aflame with the songs
Of a poet endangered. Quiet tears ebbed
And flowed at the shores of tales, questions, cages.
Hopes and humiliations ringing in my ears,
I spun down the hall half-blindly, turning right
Into walls coming alive in pictures, penned
Behind bars and counting the days…
Walking the streets, and counting the days…
I turned again, transfixed and whirling,
Caught in the mad dance of truth and reconciling,
Your light transmuting into hands unseen,
Reaching out through page and screen to break
Unbecoming chains of denial and dis-memberment.
The unsettled theft of your breath still cuts to the quick,
Your disquiet a lesson in being the body politic.
Daughter of orphans wounded, surviving kismet abloom,
I come as one and stand as many, tugging at the roots askew.
Անվերջ, your voice dovetails գոյամարտին կեանքը anew.
Very nice Elise. Keep up the good work!