ARF-ER Central Committee Voices Concern about RoA Governmental Policies

Calls for Unifying Measures to Benefit the Country

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Central Committee of the Eastern Region of the United States of America is deeply concerned about the policies pursued by the authorities of the Republic of Armenia over the past year, including inconsistent statements made by high-ranking executives, legislative initiatives introduced in the National Assembly that do not serve our national interests and values, and about the overall unhealthy environment created within the society-at-large as a direct result of these policies.

Our careful observation of the recent situation in Armenia illustrates that the Armenian authorities –

  1. Have strayed far from the principles of democracy, love and solidarity (initially declared by them) evidenced by their lexicon and their actions taken to silence any opposition and/or constructive criticism. They have promoted dividing lines in the Armenian society, sowing hatred and animosity among people.
  2. They have created an atmosphere of intolerance and violated all norms of democracy by rejecting any kind of meaningful dialogue and responding in a harsh and disproportionate manner to the slightest opposition to their views. 
  3. Their contradictory approaches to and statements about Artsakh and legislative initiatives that undermine the institutions and national values (education, culture and military service) do not inspire confidence in their actions and abilities, to put it mildly.
  4. Failing to correctly assess the importance and value of the victories achieved with the blood of our fallen heroes defending the motherland, they have created fertile ground for an atmosphere of shameless denial and defamation of the memory of fallen heroes. Case in point is the recent desecration of the pantheon in Proshyan.
  5. They are holding the nation and the state hostage of past mistakes which are selectively used as intimidation tools in an effort to reject any meaningful discourse and to disguise their inability to put forth and implement plans for building an economically and politically better future for the people and the country.
  6. They are continuously misinterpreting as weakness the ARF’s patient broad-mindedness and absolute dedication to serve the state of Armenia to unleash their derogatory remarks about the party in a futile effort to weaken and disrupt the party ranks.

In view of these observations, the ARF Central Committee of the US Eastern Region reminds the government of Armenia to Get Serious as first called for by the ARF’s Supreme Body of Armenia several months ago, and demands from the Government of Armenia to oust from its ranks all executives who do not adhere to a clear and articulated national agenda acceptable to all the people starting with the minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport.

We will continue to commit, with all our means, to the mission of strengthening the Armenian statehood regardless of whoever may happen to be at the helm of the government in Armenia. At the same time, we call on the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to immediately rectify its divisive policies to split the society and to put an end to its futile efforts to discredit the ARF and to immediately embark on unifying the country around national and pan-national agendas through meaningful and respectful discourse.

December 10, 2019
ARF US Eastern Region
Central Committee

ARF Eastern US Central Committee

ARF Eastern US Central Committee

The ARF Eastern Region Central Committee’s headquarters is the Hairenik Building in Watertown, Mass. The ARF Eastern Region’s media and bookstore are also housed in this building, as are various other important Armenian community organizations. The ARF Eastern Region holds a convention annually and calls various consultative meetings and conferences throughout the year.


  1. I am still trying to get in touch with Carl Zeytoon in Bangkok can anybody please help me to achieve this. I am Anthony Veverka my email address is Tonyv.senior@ many thanks in advance.

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