Khrakhouni: Football

“Only a few things bring us closer together, unite us, as much the ball that runs from foot to foot” (Photo: Patrick Schneider)


Few things—
Only a few things
Bring us closer together, unite us
As much the ball that runs from foot to foot,
Or the 11 pairs of feet
That chase that ball.

And now
Now, as a last hope
We wait for a tough team to come
From some advanced planet in outer space,
So that this great world divided
Becomes one heart, one soul—
Cries and shouts from one mouth—
And moves and works as one,
So that this world—misshapen and fragmented—
Into a colossal, colorful ball
With hexagons and pentagons
Big and small…


Zareh Khrakhouni, 1987
Translated by Rupen Janbazian

Rupen Janbazian

Rupen Janbazian

Rupen Janbazian is the editor of Torontohye Monthly. He is the former editor of The Armenian Weekly and the former director of public relations of the Tufenkian Foundation. Born and raised in Toronto, he is currently based in Yerevan.
Rupen Janbazian

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1 Comment

  1. Mr janbazian did a lot of great writtings & journalism for a long time to the newspaper Armenian weekly & inform of the news from Armenia Arsakh Western Armenia his insilghtfull vision of Important news reports .well done Mr janbazian keep ur belief in Armenian people .ty

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