Rendahl: In Limbo
“It’s the little things, like when you reach for something to read and you realize your books aren’t there,” my friend said as she tried to describe what it’s like to live in limbo. She’s […]
“It’s the little things, like when you reach for something to read and you realize your books aren’t there,” my friend said as she tried to describe what it’s like to live in limbo. She’s […]
NEW YORK—On Wed., Dec. 4, the Armenian Center at Columbia University hosted a symposium on survivor meaning featuring reputable leaders in the field of study, including Peter Balakian, Jay Lifton, and Marianne Hirsch. Titled “Survivor […]
ALEPPO, Syria—The 123rd anniversary of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) was celebrated in Aleppo last week. The event, which brought together hundreds of Aleppo-Armenians during one of the bloodiest weeks in the city, stood as […]
(Special to the Armenian Weekly) ‘Yes, I am Armenian. Fourth-generation Dikranagerdtsi…’ Things seemed to come full-circle when I heard these words come out of his mouth, albeit translated from the language I was brought up […]
Sometimes a photo can speak volumes. Other times, it tells you just what you might not want to hear. It’s the week of New Year’s, when we’re well into the post-holiday blahs. Gifts have been […]
Dear Editor: It was with great pleasure that I read my friend Antranig Kasbarian’s article, adapted from an ARF Day speech delivered in Detroit earlier this month which I, unfortunately, missed due to prior out-of-town […]
With its rich history and diverse involvements, the ARF has played a unique and often vital role in the life of our nation. Indeed, if we look at the party’s resumé broadly, we find a remarkable […]
Special to the Armenian Weekly As we approach the 100th memorial year of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, there is increasing global interest and attention to what happened to so many Armenians. There is also […]
Meets St. Louis and Illinois Area Armenian-American Community ST. LOUIS, Mo.—The Genocide Education Project (GenEd) presented a training workshop for high school history teachers at the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) conference, held […]
NEW YORK—On Sun., Dec. 15, Haig Kherlopian was ordained as the minister of the Armenian Evangelical Church of New York in an impressive and elegant service before more than 200 people in attendance, including family, […]
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