Save the Date for ARS Norian Youth Connect

WATERTOWN, Mass.—The Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of the Eastern United States is proud to announce that the anticipated spring 2024 ARS Norian Youth Connect Program (YCP) will take place in February of 2024. The event is scheduled to commence on the evening of Friday, February 23, at the prestigious Columbia University in New York and conclude on Sunday, February 25, 2024 at noon.

“We extend a warm invitation to Armenian university students ages 18-27 to participate in this enriching weekend of workshops, discussions and networking,” said ARS of Eastern USA Chairperson Caroline Chamavonian. “The program boasts lectures and discussions led by distinguished science and technology experts, scholars and artists,” she continued. 

Columbia University professor Dr. Khatchig Mouradian will once again serve as the program director. Details about the program, including the speakers, will be announced soon.  

To secure a spot, students can register on our website. The application fee is $50 and covers the program plus breakfast, lunch, dinner and the evening social. Overnight accommodations will be provided exclusively to out-of-town students. The registration deadline is February 1, 2024.

Armenian Relief Society Eastern U.S.
The ARS Eastern USA has 35 chapters located throughout the New England, Mid-Atlantic, Midwestern and Southeastern regions of the United States.

1 Comment

  1. Hello,
    I was wondering whether it would still be possible to register, despite the deadline having passed.
    Thank you.

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