PACE Calls on Azerbaijani Authorities to Clean Up Their Act


STRASBOURG, France—During a debate on Wednesday at its plenary session in Strasbourg, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) raised a number of concerns, particularly with regard to checks and balances, the functioning of the justice system, and freedom of expression and association in Azerbaijan, and passed a resolution urging Azerbaijani authorities to take action.

“Recent constitutional changes could make the executive less accountable to parliament,” warned PACE in a resolution adopted on the basis of a report by Stefan Schennach of Austria and Cezar Florin Preda of Romania, emphasizing the need to develop the oversight function of the parliament over the executive.

During a debate on Wednesday at its plenary session in Strasbourg, PACE raised a number of concerns, particularly with regard to checks and balances, the functioning of the justice system, and freedom of expression and association in Azerbaijan, and passed a resolution urging Azerbaijani authorities to take action (Photo: PACE)

The Assembly also considered that the justice system in Azerbaijan must be “genuinely independent, impartial and free from interference by the executive.” It welcomed the President of the Republic’s Executive Order on improving the operation of the prison system and humanization of criminal policies and called on the authorities to implement it rapidly.

The Assembly also expressed its concern about “reports linking the Azerbaijani government to a large-scale money laundering scheme occurring in the years 2012 to 2014, used inter alia to influence the work of members of the Assembly as regards the human rights situation in Azerbaijan,” and urged the Azerbaijani authorities to start an independent and impartial inquiry into these allegations without delay.

“While welcoming the release in 2016 and 2017 of some so-called ‘political prisoners’ [and] ‘prisoners of conscience,’ PACE is concerned about the reported prosecution and ongoing detention of human rights defenders, political activists, journalists and bloggers, and the arbitrary application of criminal legislation to limit freedom of expression,” read a statement released by the Assembly, which also called on Azerbaijani authorities to “use all possible means to release those prisoners whose detention gives rise to justified doubts.”

The adopted resolution called on the Azerbaijani authorities to promptly ensure the full implementation of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights; to strengthen parliamentary control over the executive; to continue the reforms of the judiciary and the prosecution service so as to ensure full independence of the judiciary; to put an end to systemic repression of human rights defenders, the media, and those critical of the government, including politically motivated prosecutions; and to create an environment conducive to NGO and media activities.

Video video of the debate here:

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  1. He doesn’t give s**t what PACE or Int’l community says, he well knows with money he can buy all the politicians he wants.

  2. Is the Parliamentary Council Assembly of Europe (PACE) capable of exercising draconian sanctions against Azerbaijan, or is it simply a mouthpiece to express Europe’s displeasure?

  3. What a joke?
    “Call on”, “urge”, could they find softer words? Lol
    What happened to Demand, Require, Hold to, present Ultimatum and other more appropriate terms for that obvious criminal, corrupting tyrant?

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