A Matter of Life and Death
Our Birth made us Mortal, our Death will make us Immortal.
…Thomas Fuller
Folk Limerick
A beautiful lady named Psyche
Is loved by a fellow named Yche.
One thing about Ych
The lady can’t like
Is his beard, which is dreadfully spyche.
Inside Information
Levon Alipounarian (whose family name derives from the village of Alipounar in Dikranagerd)
categorized the Dikranagerdtsi dialect as slang.
On X-Rated Films
Our old-fashioned viewpoint about sex is that it never was intended to be a spectator sport.
…Harold Coffin
From My Persian Dictionary
Amír: lord
Khán: “
Beg: “
Válí: “
´Aghá: “
Sayyid: “
What’s in a Name
Maranchian: Armenian and Turkish in derivation, identified as an occupation, maran in Armenian is
defined as pantry, larder, wine-cellar, cave, storeroom, canteen; and chi in Turkish is defined as one who
owns or works in the aforementioned sites. Therefore a maranchi is a butler, steward, or vintner.
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