Artsakh Ministry of Defense Refutes Azerbaijani Claims of an Infiltration Attempt
STEPANAKERT, Artsakh (A.W.)—Azerbaijani forces violated the ceasefire regime on the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh) Line of Contact (LoC) more than 105 times on Feb. 21-22. According to a press statement released by the Artsakh Ministry of Defense, Azerbaijani forces used D-44 cannons, 60mm, 82mm and 120mm mortars and various caliber machine guns, firing more than 1,500 shots at Armenian positions.

“The Defense Army took countermeasures to suppress the Azerbaijani aggression and confidently continued their service,” read a part of the statement released by the Artsakh Defense Ministry.
The Ministry released a separate statement on Feb. 22, refuting an Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense statement, which claimed that Artsakh forces launched an infiltration attempt on the night of Feb. 21-22.

“The Azerbaijani propaganda machine is attempting to justify its shelling of the Artsakh military positions, on Tuesday night,” read a part of the statement, which confirmed that Armenian forces had not suffered any casualties—a claim that was reported by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.
All the Armenian authorities need to keep repeating publicaly is: “Ask yourselves why the winning side would need to keep firing and instigating. Makes no sense right? That’s why the losing Azeri side keeps the threats and the constant cease fire violations. That’s what losing sides do. Its also clear why the losing violating side, while accusing Armenia, refuses violation mechanism that the losing side has already agreed upon…
the losing side keeps firing at the winning side,”more than 105 times on feb.21-22″. it’s time for a decisive blow.