ANCA Calls on WINEP Executive Director, Robert Satloff, to Explain Why the Institute is Providing a Platform for Those Seeking to Block American Remembrance of Known Case of Genocide
WASHINGTON (A.W.)—The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) has called on United States President-Elect Donald J. Trump to “guarantee” to Turkey that the Armenian Genocide will not be properly acknowledged by the U.S. Congress, in a recently published set of proposals regarding “U.S. Policy on Turkey.”

“[T]he United States can quietly guarantee Turkey that the Armenian Genocide resolution in Congress will not pass. This has always been critical in the relationship, and most Turks care deeply about the issue,” reads a part of the paper authored by former U.S. ambassador to Ankara James F. Jeffrey and Turkish scholar Dr. Soner Cagaptay.
The paper on U.S.-Turkey relations is the first in a series of WINEP presidential transition papers addressing key policy challenges across the Middle East. In it, the two authors argue that the Trump administration should “revamp policy toward Turkey to emphasize a transactional approach to critical bilateral issues.” Among the commodities the group – aligned closely with Jewish Americans organizations devoted to Holocaust remembrance – proposes bartering with Turkey is U.S. commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.
A new approach to Turkey, Jeffrey and Cagaptay suggest, would restore focus to each side’s most important interests. “For Turkey, this includes the extradition of reputed coup plotter Fethullah Gulen; increased engagement on issues from Cyprus to Israel; and closer attention to Turkish equities in the Syria conflict. For the United States, a new approach would entail a stronger commitment to fighting the Islamic State; a return to peace talks with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK); closer cooperation on military moves, especially in Syria; and renewed respect for democratic freedoms,” reads a part of a statement released by the Washington Institute about its first “Transition 2017” paper.
“For any relationship with [Turkish president] Erdogan to succeed,” argue Jeffrey and Cagaptay, “it will have to be based on mutual interests and trade-offs rather than deep friendship and shared values.”
Established in 1985, WINEP’s mission is “to advance a balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East and to promote the policies that secure them,” according to the Institute’s website.
The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reacted to the news of the publication via social media and other channels. “Why is [the Washington Institute] providing a platform for calls to block remembrance of a known case of genocide?” asked the ANCA in a tweet to Washington Institute Executive Director Robert Satloff.
The Armenian Weekly reached out to authors James Jeffrey and Soner Cagaptay at the Washington Institute for comments, but both were unavailable.
For those who voted for Trump, his record on Armenia is likely to be far worse than Obama (although his UN Director used Armenia as the example for Genocide. Get real.
ottoman Robert satlof what is he? afraid of .
afraid of the THRUTH?
Wake up if you tell the way the ottoman empire Massacred our ARMENIAN SAINTS maybe they the current Turkish government be constipated?????
Some of these “experts” at the Washington Institute remind Armenians of the genocide deniers at the Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, and similar organizations.
Don’t do it Trump.
Here we go again with Turkish lobbyists influencing both foreign and domestic policies of the new president and the U.S. Under new presidency.
During his campaign, president elect made it clear he will not have foreign governments meddling. The so called Washington Institute is planted in the heart of the US to do just that.
Turkey’s Rajab Oghloo is running out of Lira! There will be less Turkish delights lovers in US!
Reminds me of the movie, “Sleeping with The Enemy”.
…. because the jewish holocaust always has to be at the forefront, therefore nothing else counts.
…. because the u.s. needs turkey, not just at thanksgiving.
Let us see how Donald’s HUGE CONFLICT OF INTERESTS with TURKEY and Azerbaijan in his property holdings is going to pan out first. LOL
Shame on the Washington Institute on the Middle East to tell our new President Donald Trump to not recognize the well documented Armenian Genocide whereby numerous countries around the world have preciously done so. It is time our Organization the ANCA & all organizations to respond on this Non-Recognized Armenian Genocide by a so called U.S. Democratic Country whom is falling apart on many issues including the Armenian Genocide. If Pres. elect Trump puts this aside as other Presidents it is because Armenian Organizations are not doing their job.
So a Washington think tank with ‘ties to Jewish American organizations who promote the Holocaust’, is working towards the guaranteed denial of the Armenian genocide by this next administration? Tells you all you need to know but yet not surprising as Jews have historically worked against our race for their own gain. When WINEP argues, “most Turks care deeply about the issue,” One should ask, who cares about most Turks? Most Americans I know don’t and would rather side on being morally correct. We collectively need to peddle that point of view. Unfortunately and predictably however, Don Trump, like all other administrations, will for the next 4 years, cave in and refrain from acknowledging the Armenian genocide. (Know your enemies.)
How can the most powerful nation on earth can barter American values just to win favors of the untrustworthy Turkey’s Erdogan., during Iraq war because of Turkey’s backstabbing, US lost unnecessarily Billions of Dollars and the lives of thousands of brave soldiers,
I don’t care who recognizes it or not, my grandmother went through the march to Aleppo. She watched people die at the hands of the Turks. Her stories to me I would never consider a lie. Shame on those that were not there to say it never happened. Let them think what they want, it changes nothing. It won’t bring anyone back or make us Armenians any stronger or prouder of our heritage. We are already there. God bless us all, Armenians and non Armenians.
Remember we ae talking about american politics, hope things change but I doubt it. As long as america needs turkeys services “nothing” will happen, it has been proven over and over again. The lobbyist and the jewish forces within are having a ball – shame on them.
Donald Trump has strong ties with turkey in his business Practices. He even said Erdogan is a great person great leader… His home furnishings company is made in in Turkey. He has buildings there and also Azerbijan.
If Trump is able to establish better relations with Russia, the military base in present day turkey becomes less important. We are restricted in its use anyway. Our Armenian organizations should seize the opportunity to be very active in impressing on the Trump administration the importance of recognizing the Armenian Genocide – from a Moral Standpoint and actually from a Strategic standpoint as well: A strengthened Armenia actually serves the interests of the region, the US, and Russia.
The way to frame this issue with Trump is as one of political correctness. Trump has shown that he will tell the truth even if this offends millions of powerless Muslims. He should therefore tell the truth even if this offends a powerful Muslim country. If he does not, then he will be a complete fraud.
I will say it again: Frame this issue as one of political correctness.
Very sad and disappointing but no surprise.
Since Turkey joined NATO on 2/18/1952, it has surreptitiously exploited its membership, milked the US of billions of dollars, and has spent huge amounts of dollars on lobbyists in the US to distort history, continue the denial of Genocide and counter and silence any criticism of all its flagrant violations either domestically (continuous human rights violations of minorities, harassing and
imprisoning journalists and any critics, a political process that is
corrupt and rigged in favor of the Erdogan regime and clan, or
internationally ( Illegal invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and creating the puppet state of The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, shooting down a Russian plane that set off alarms in NATO capitals except the US., playing on both sides of the conflict in Syria by underhandedly supporting ISIS).
There is no doubt that the extremely well paid Turkish lobby will do everything it can to influence the Trump Administration.
With our limited resources , we have to do all we can to counter it, with the support of all Armenians .
In regards to the ADL, Israel and Jews ( with few exceptions) sadly it is a lost cause. They are all wrongly concerned that the recognition of the Genocide will diminish the gravity and significance of the Holocaust. A misguided, abhorrent, unjust and narrow minded policy and posture. Shame on them.
Vart Adjemian
R/the_donald is the best platform to get this going. Very supportive of our cause. Very high energy
And USA wants Armenians to respect it’s nation, people, and Flag.Shame on the US government and it’s support of Islamic terrorist nations such as Turkey. Turkey is an evil nation such as USA that hurts, kills, rapes people, lies about the truth, for its own benefit.
Just remember USA the religion you believe in and Worship is from Armenia the first Christian Nation and Only Christian Nation from the Middle East.
We have been here before you and will still be here after you.
Who the hell is Washington Institude almost 85% Armenians
Voted for Trump he should recognize it or we will not vote for him after 4 years
Genocide the USA then we can all deny it for the next 150 years