EAFJD Urges Minsk Group to Adopt Objective Stance

President of EAFJD Kaspar Karampetian
President of EAFJD Kaspar Karampetian

Kaspar Karampetian, the president of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD), recently sent a letter to the co-chairs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group, in which he urged them to steer clear of making “generic announcements” and wrongly placing equal blame on the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides following ceasefire violations.

After discussing recent developments on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, including the Armenian civilian casualties, Karampetian expressed his disappointment that Baku had rejected the co-chairs’ proposal to put in place mechanisms for investigating ceasefire violations on the Line of Contact.

“The logical answer to the question of why official Azerbaijan—which continuously blames the Armenian side for violating the ceasefire—is not interested in such a mechanism is evident,” wrote Karampetian, adding, “It is not a secret that hatred towards Armenians all over the world is being encouraged and nurtured from the highest level in Azerbaijan. This is dangerously irresponsible and short-sighted, considering the fact that the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples will continue to live side-by-side for centuries to come.”

Karampetian then criticized the co-chairs for employing artificial even-handedness when appealing to the sides to deescalate the situation, even when it is clear which side is violating the ceasefire—an approach the EAFJD is “convinced” will only “distort reality,” “create false public opinion,” and encourage Baku to continue its “dangerous game.”

Finally, Karampetian urged the co-chairs to “objectively point at the side that violates the ceasefire or blocks a constructive peace process.” Otherwise, he wrote, the Minsk Group would be partly responsible in the event of renewed war.

Below is Karampetian’s letter to the co-chairs.


His Excellency Pierre Andrieu
Ambassador of the French Republic to OSCE Minsk Group

His Excellency Igor Popov
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to OSCE Minsk Group

His Excellency James Warlick
Ambassador of the United States of America to OSCE Minsk Group

Brussels, Oct. 5, 2015

Subject: Recent escalation of tension on the contact line between Armenia and Azerbaijan and around Nagorno-Karabagh

Honorable co-chairs,

The Armenian communities in Europe are deeply concerned about the recent escalation of tension on the contact line between Armenia and Azerbaijan and around the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic, perpetrated by the government of Azerbaijan. As you know, the ceasefire violations initiated by Azerbaijan became particularly intense on the eve of—and during—your meetings with the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan in New York on Sept. 24 and 25 of the current year. The goal of the Azerbaijani government was clear—to put pressure on the Armenian side and harm the negotiation process.

Using the unresolved conflict of Nagorno-Karabagh as an excuse, the Azerbaijani Army shelled borderline villages in the Tavush region, in the northeast of Armenia, killing three civilian women, two of whom were elderly. The goal behind this vicious strategy is to terrorize the civilian population in the border villages and make them leave their homes. Azerbaijan also fired in the direction of the town of Noyemberyan in the Tavush region for the first time in 10 years. Beside other heavy weaponry, the Azerbaijani side used howitzer D-30 for the first time after signing the ceasefire agreement. Further shelling resulting from the escalation of the tension took the lives of several servicemen.

The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) regrets the fact that on Sept. 27 official Azerbaijan dismissed the proposal made by the OSCE Minsk Group to accept an OSCE mechanism to investigate ceasefire violations. Armenia agreed to discuss the details of the mechanism, which would enable the identification of the initiator of the ceasefire violation and make it difficult for the sides to blame each other for initiating deadly attacks.

The logical answer to the question of why official Azerbaijan—which continuously blames the Armenian side for violating the ceasefire—is not interested in such a mechanism is evident.

This is not the first time Baku has rejected similar proposals suggested by the OSCE Minsk Group. Official Azerbaijan has repeatedly rejected confidence-building measures proposed by the OSCE Minsk Group, including a system for investigating individual shooting incidents. It also blocked the suggestion of pulling snipers back from front-line positions.

Moreover, the current government of Azerbaijan actively hinders the grassroots peace process. It curbs people-to-people contacts such as those between civil societies, youth activists, and intellectuals from Armenia and Azerbaijan. This type of exchange would be of major importance for bridging the two societies, and for the peace process. Prominent members of civil society who are genuinely interested in promoting a dialogue between the societies are intimidated or sentenced to several years in prison based on fabricated charges and falsified trials. One can recall the imprisonment of Leila Yunus and Arif Yunus as just one example.

The clear goal of the current government of Azerbaijan is to insulate its own society and have complete control over public opinion. It is not a secret that hatred towards Armenians all over the world is being encouraged and nurtured from the highest level in Azerbaijan. This is dangerously irresponsible and short-sighted, considering the fact that the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples will continue to live side-by-side for centuries to come.

It is evident that the current government of Azerbaijan, with is maximalist and zero-sum-game approach towards the conflict, is not interested in a genuine peace process. How can one otherwise explain the constant hate-filled war rhetoric and bragging of the Ilham Aliyev regime over the country’s rocketing military budget?

EAFJD is convinced that making generic announcements or putting a sign of equality between Armenia and Azerbaijan when addressing the two sides and calling them to stop violating the ceasefire distorts reality, creates false public opinion, and in fact encourages the Aliyev regime in the dangerous game it is playing at the expense of the lives of its own citizens. It is evident that if a new war unleashes under the current circumstances it will be the responsibility of the current Azerbaijani government.

EAFJD considers that with its hard work towards the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict, the OSCE Minsk Group has played an indispensable and highly valuable role in maintaining the relative peace. EAFJD therefore calls on the co-chairs to objectively point at the side that violates the ceasefire or blocks a constructive peace process, as well as confidence-building measures. Anything other than this would mean bearing co-responsibility if a new war were to be unleashed in Nagorno-Karabagh, with unpredictable and highly dangerous consequences for the whole region, including Azerbaijan.


Kaspar Karampetian,
President, EAFJD


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