ARS ‘Susan Terzian’ Hosts Screenings of Maronian Films

Through the efforts of Armenian Relief Society (ARS) “Susan Terzian” Chapter chairwoman Sonia Gulbenk, a series of events were held in Connecticut to screen Bared Maronian’s documentary film “Orphans of the Genocide” and highlights of his upcoming documentary “Women of 1915.”

Scene from the public screening at the Adante Student Center Theatre
Scene from the public screening at the Adante Student Center Theatre

The first screening was held at the Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) on Tues., Sept. 9, at 7 p.m., sponsored by the department of philosophy, the Honors College, and the Office of President, supported by Dr. Armen T. Marsoobian, chairperson of the philosophy department.

Dr. Mary Papazian, president of SCSU, gave her opening remarks and introduced Bared Maronian to the more than 75 attendees. The event was well received by both the Armenian public in the community as well as the students and faculty from the school.

Marsoobian arranged a lecture discussion on the Armenian Genocide at SCSU on Wed., Sept. 10, from 1-4 p.m. On Sept. 11, he arranged the screening of the documentary at St. Stephen’s Armenian Apostolic Church Hall in New Britain, Conn.

Scene at the Gubenkian home
Scene at the Gubenkian home

On Sat., Sept. 13, Ed and Carmen Gulbenkian graciously hosted a private dinner party at their home in Pound Ridge, N.Y., where Maronian was able to have a warm discussion about his documentaries. Mr. and Mrs. Gulbenkian were touched by Maronian’s film and pledged $15,000 for the “Women of 1915” documentary. Additional donations were made by attendees, bringing the total contribution for the day to $17,000.

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