Yegparian: Irritants XIV

Let’s start this set of blood-pressure-elevators with a brief Anti-Defamation League (ADL) encounter. You’ll remember the ADL won my “coveted” SpitRain Award for its shamelessness in denying the genocide. This outfit is truly debased. Now, they’ve managed to get, from ClearChannel—for free—in Massachusetts, over 100 billboards to use for their anti-bullying program. Meanwhile they are the epitome of the bully. But there’s some delicious and depressing irony to go with this episode. One of those obnoxious billboards was replaced by a genocide recognition sign. Unfortunately, that one is paid for by “Peace of Art,” an organization that has committed to raising awareness. You might contact ClearChannel and give them a piece of your mind, and CC the ADL on that note.

Moving on to an internal, Armenian community irritant, I’ll cite an issue of language. I’ve often entered Armenian stores and had my query—in Armenian—receive a reply in broken (sometimes terribly so) English. I guess I just don’t look the part of an Armenian. But recently, this phenomenon crossed an intolerable threshold. My conversation was in Armenian with an employee who had met me previously. Yet, she persistently replied in English to my Armenian, even after I asked her why (since she did know Armenian, fluently, had said so herself, and there was thus no question of ability). This was irritating, but there is no shortage of fools on this planet. What raised the bar to the unacceptable level was her speaking Armenian to the next customer, with no pause whatsoever.

In the mundane, non-Armenian-related, automotive-irritant realm, we have the phenomenon of wasteful parking, most often curbside. This occurs when someone parks in the middle of a space large enough for two! You might argue that the cars in front of and behind the “offending” vehicle are at fault. That’s possible, but then we are left with the reality of two offenders instead of one. Plus, most often, the front/behind cars are abutted by other cars that are reasonably spaced, making the original car I mentioned the likely offender. The more obvious and aggravating offenders are those who park half-a-car-length from the nearest red-zone, wasting all that potential parking space. The extreme example of this waste is when people shamelessly park smack-dab in the middle of two marked parking stalls, straddling the dividing line(s). These inconsiderate boors should wake up and start thinking about what they’re doing.

How can I not mention the “Royal wedding”? Dozens of millions of British pounds wasted on two people getting hitched. Then we have the hoopla, the gawking, the salacious interest… What it all boils down to is a massive waste of everyone’s time. I was disgusted by the previous one of these episodes I encountered three decades ago, and am just as put off by it now. It’s horrible to be glorifying the trappings of an institution—monarchy—whose time has long gone by, and simultaneously engaging in so much waste.

Finally, the story a friend told me is just too delicious to omit. He received a call that initially treated him to a pre-recorded message from Dick Morris, a conservative commentator, and closed by asking him to take a “survey,” just 5-10 minutes. Well, it lasted far less, since my friend dared respond “4” when asked to “rate Obama on scale of 1-10.” A quick “thank you” and hanging up followed. Not that I have any inclination to defend Obama now, but the behavior described is entirely another thing, orders of magnitude into the absurd zone! I suppose, for these people, if you’re not fulminating and frothing at the mouth with Obama-phobia, your opinion isn’t worth anything.

I’m considering adopting a new motto and acting on it: “Eliminate idiocy.” I invite you to join this effort.

Garen Yegparian

Garen Yegparian

Asbarez Columnist
Garen Yegparian is a fat, bald guy who has too much to say and do for his own good. So, you know he loves mouthing off weekly about anything he damn well pleases to write about that he can remotely tie in to things Armenian. He's got a checkered past: principal of an Armenian school, project manager on a housing development, ANC-WR Executive Director, AYF Field worker (again on the left coast), Operations Director for a telecom startup, and a City of LA employee most recently (in three different departments so far). Plus, he's got delusions of breaking into electoral politics, meanwhile participating in other aspects of it and making sure to stay in trouble. His is a weekly column that appears originally in Asbarez, but has been republished to the Armenian Weekly for many years.
Garen Yegparian

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  1. The actions of the Anti-Defamation League against Armenians is a terrible thing, Mr. Yegparian.
    I think the billboard company should remove the ADL name from the free billboards and apologize to Armenian Americans.  Also the billboard company Clear Channel should give Armenians free genocide billboards in April – 100 of them, just like the ADL got but did not deserve. What’s Clear Channel’s contact information?

  2. Nishan asks:  What’s Clear Channel’s contact information?


    local office:
    Clear Channel Outdoor

    89 Maple Street
    Stoneham, MA 02180
    Phone: 781.438.8880
    FAX: 781.279.1493

    hopefully you might accomplish something with this info…please be sure to let us know.

  3. There has been activity in Massachusetts regarding the ADL’s anti-bullying billboards. Perhaps a national effort to recognize and contest anti-Armenian (possibly anti-Christian) sentiment is in order.

    Armenians everywhere can and should write letters to the editor in their local newspapers to help teach/tell others their story as do Jewish people teaching many (worldwide) about their Holocaust.

    I used to work for a Jewish boss (one of many and always easy and good to work with and for) who would always say “You’ve got to toot your own horn,” so much so it became mantra-like.

  4. Below are the email addresses of the Clear Channel billboard company in Massachusetts. 

    I am telling them right now, and please you do too, to remove the ADL name from the free billboards the company is giving the ADL because the ADL is a genocide denier and it works with Turkey to stifle Armenian Genocide resolution.  Immoral!

    I know there are some ADL billboards still up because I just saw one when I drove by one in Westborough on Rt. 9.  The ADL does not deserve free billboards.  Do Armenians get *free* billboards to commemorate the genocide?  No.  Clear Channel is just plain wrong.

    There are much more deserving organizations and anti-bullying programs that deserve billboards.

    Send an email:  (President)     (Board Chairman)  (Public Relations)  (Public Relations)

  5. It crystal-clear that ClearChannel should take down the above-mentioned billboards. It’s amazing how ADL is able to successfully throw its weight around–even influencing a huge national corporation– to the detriment of truth and justice.

  6. Yes Clear Channel should definitely take down the ADL billboards and the ADL should stop bullying congress to ignore the genocide.

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