Obituary: Albert Bagian, 92

Albert Bagian, husband of Takouhi (Queenie) Bagian and a long-time servant of the community, passed away on Feb. 25 at his home. He was 92 years old. Funeral services took place on Wed., March 2 with His Grace Bishop Anoushavan, vicar general, officiating at St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in Philadelphia.

Born in 1918 in Philadelphia, Albert Bagian was a self-made successful businessman who never forgot his roots and remained an active and committed member of the Armenian community throughout his life. He received his higher education through personal sacrifice, working at odd jobs during the day, and attending school in the evenings. Through his tenacious determination, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Drexel Institute of Technology. He achieved great success in industry, first working for others and then forming his own company.

Bagian was an active member of St. Gregory Church in Philadelphia, and a supporter of numerous organizations including the ARF, ARS, Armenian Sisters Academy, and the Knar Choral Group. He is survived by his wife, a brother, Philip, and many nieces and nephews. Another brother, John, and a sister, Mary, pre-deceased him.


  1. I have had the privilege of working with Albert and his wife on a number of organizational committees, albeit 2 decades ago. He was one of the classiest men I’ve ever come across. His devotion to the Armenian community and especially the ARS has but few peers. We have truly lost a great and inspirational servant of our people. Rest in peace Albert!

  2. God Bless Al Bagian & his wife Takouhi whom were longtime supporters of the A.R.F. & A.R.S. Their strong support over the years will never be forgotten. May they rest in peace Stephen T. & Angele Dulgarian

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