ARS to Hold Centennial Inaugural Event at Carnegie Hall

The Central Executive Board of the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) recently announced that the first function planned for its centenary will take place on March 10 at Carnegie Hall in New York City.

President and CEO of Women’s World Banking Mary Ellen Iskenderian will be the keynote speaker at the centennial inaugural event at Carnegie Hall.

“ARS entities, operating in 26 different countries around the world, have been busy organizing functions to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Relief Society. Similarly, the Society’s Central Executive Board has planned several pan-Armenian functions, the first one of which in New York, the birthplace of the ARS,” explained ARS chairperson Vicky Marashlian.

Carnegie Corporation president Dr. Vartan Gregorian, noted performer Alisa Nakashian-Holsberg, and opera stars Yeghishe Manucharyan (tenor) and Victoria Avetisyan (mezzo-soprano) will participate in the March 10 event. The president and CEO of Women’s World Banking, Mary Ellen Iskenderian, will serve as keynote speaker. The event will also include the presentation ceremony of the ARS “Ararat” Award.

“We wish to take our centenary a step beyond mere celebration by casting a critical eye on our 100-year history in order to set our next century of work on solid foundations befitting present and future demands and conditions,” said Marashlian. “We must do this from the vantage point of a thorough analysis of our people’s needs, as well as our potential—and that of Armenian women—in adapting and implementing an up-to-date modus operandi. To this end, on the day following the Carnegie function, on March 11 in New Jersey, we have scheduled a seminar with the participation of prominent Armenian women holding responsible positions in international organizations and in academia.”

The New York Centennial function will be attended by more than 200 ARS members from the U.S., Canada, South America, France, Greece, and Lebanon, alongside many supporters of the Society.

Later in the year, centennial celebrations will include the second ARS European Cruise in August, a pilgrimage to Der Zor and a seminar in Aleppo in October, a series of functions in Armenia, the publication of a volume depicting the century-long history of the ARS, and various films.

During 2010, all ARS regions, from the Americas to Australia, from Europe to the Middle East and Nagorno-Karabagh, will organize separate events celebrating the centennial. To learn more about these events, visit

1 Comment

  1. Hye Armenian Relief Society (ARS).  From the ashes of the Turkish Genocide of our Armenian nation,
    our Armenian women, volunteers over these 100 years, created an organization which until today is
    in support, and giving aid, and more, first to our Survivors as they fled their Haiastan to the civlized nations they reached.  There to learn to live in these new cultures, to marry, to have children who then, together with their Survivor grandparents and parents continued to pursue Hai Tahd.  Too, spread the world over, but one in spirit, one in heart, even into today.  So many of their names I recall, all fine women, selfless and strong in their determinations to be a source for our people in need… for these 100 years!  You are a proud origanization formed for us by our Survivors – and they
    today, know of your proud destiny, for all these years!

    So then comes along a Michael Harutunian, whining.  He who was with the ARF, who was with the Prelacy of the Armenian Church, until… as I saw it, he became successful.  Seems success does change one’s thinking.
    He needed to be with those who, like himself, as the expression goes-  he’d “made it”
    He figured that the ARF, later the ANCA, were going to be the losers – why stay with losers?
    He didn’t foresee our Armenian spirit – our ;patriots which we followed
    He didn’t foresee the grassroots of the Armenians – a priceless force for Hai Tahd
    He didn’t foresee that the intelligencia and dedication of the generations from the ARF Survivors would continue to pursue and carry their forbears goals further and further over many years…
    No easy task…
    He didn’t think… he just got angry because he chose the wrong road…  and so he whines today.
    But Michael, don’t feel bad – even here in USA we do vote for the wrong politicos…

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