The Armenian Weekly is proud to offer early-career journalists and graphic designers an opportunity to participate in the Vartabedian Internship, a program launched by the Weekly and the Armenian Youth Federation in honor of beloved community member and longtime columnist of the Weekly, Tom Vartabedian.
Internships vary in length, depending on each candidate and offer savvy, young minds them to the vibrant world of community and ethnic journalism, with an emphasis on writing, graphic design and/or other necessary elements associated with crafting a newspaper. Interns are offered a stipend.
Interns will be joining a historic and fast-paced micro-newsroom and will get hands-on exposure to the ins and outs of digital and print journalism, which include learning the technical aspects of writing reports, crafting a newspaper and managing a website. They will also receive one-on-one support from the Weekly’s editorial staff and will have access to the newspaper’s historic archives, which document the immigrant experience of one of Boston’s oldest and most vibrant ethnic communities in Armenian and English language since 1899 (the paper is the eighth oldest ethnic newspaper in the United States). To apply for the program, please write an email to with “Vartabedian Internship” in the subject line. You should include your résumé, a 500-word statement of interest, and two writing samples (or graphic design samples if you intend to work on our design team).