ARS of Eastern USA launches “Spread Christmas Cheer”

WATERTOWN, Mass.—The holiday season is upon us, and the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of Eastern USA is thrilled to announce the relaunch of its “Spread Christmas Cheer” fundraising campaign. The organization is once again inviting the community to unite in making a significant impact on those in need during this festive season.

For just $25, community members can brighten the lives of children from Artsakh and the children of Armenia, Javakhk, Lebanon and Syria. Donations will allow the organization to provide essential gifts that carry a powerful message of support and hope. It’s a simple yet impactful act of kindness that can make a world of difference.

“The true meaning of the holidays lies in giving,” said Caroline Chamavonian, chairperson of the ARS of Eastern USA Regional Executive Board. “Our ‘Spread Christmas Cheer’ campaign is an opportunity for us all to come together, transcending boundaries and making a positive impact for our compatriots who are facing difficult times,” she continued. 

When the campaign was first launched in 2020, the ARS of Eastern USA sponsored 1,500 gifts for displaced children from Artsakh. In 2021, due to the many challenges faced by our compatriots in Artsakh, Javakhk, Syria and Lebanon, the ARS of Eastern USA expanded the list and raised more than $20,000 for the campaign. Last year, more than $30,000 was raised to support the children and also provide gifts for teachers in Syria and Lebanon. 

Community members can donate online or mail checks made payable to the ARS of Eastern USA to 80 Bigelow Avenue, Suite 200, Watertown, MA 02472.

Armenian Relief Society Eastern U.S.
The ARS Eastern USA has 35 chapters located throughout the New England, Mid-Atlantic, Midwestern and Southeastern regions of the United States.

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