Armenian authorities have moved to ratify the Rome Statute, the founding treaty of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC is an international tribunal responsible for prosecuting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The Armenian government signed the Rome Statute in 1998, yet has not ratified it on the basis that it violates national sovereignty over judicial affairs. The government has asked the Constitutional Court to revisit treaty ratification. Justice Minister Grigor Minasyan said that ratifying the treaty would allow Armenia to appeal to the ICC regarding Azerbaijan’s attacks on Armenia over the past two years. “The consequences of that aggression are still present, because until today the armed forces of Azerbaijan are still stationed in different parts of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia in the areas adjacent to civilian settlements,” Minasyan said during a cabinet meeting on December 29.
Most residents of Armenia and Artsakh believe Artsakh should be recognized as an independent state or unify with Armenia, according to a survey conducted for CivilNet. When asked what the status of Artsakh should be, 46-percent of residents of Armenia and 39-percent of residents of Artsakh said that it should be an independent republic. Among respondents from Armenia, 24-percent said that Artsakh should be a part of Russia, while 23-percent said it should join Armenia. Meanwhile, 31-percent of Artsakh residents said it should join Armenia, and 13-percent, Russia. When asked how the Artsakh conflict should be settled, 34-percent of residents from Armenia said through the return of prisoners of war, 25-percent through security guarantees, and 21-percent through the clarification of the status of Artsakh. Meanwhile, 32-percent of the residents of Artsakh said security guarantees, 27-percent the clarification of Artsakh’s status, and 25-percent, the return of POWs.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev laid claim to modern-day Armenia as Azerbaijani land during a December 24 speech. “Western Azerbaijan is our historical land, which is established by a number of historical documents, historical maps and our history itself,” Aliyev said, using an irredentist term in reference to the Republic of Armenia. Azerbaijani troops occupied several key heights along Armenia’s eastern border during its border attacks in mid-September. “As a result of this military operation, historically Azerbaijani cities are now visible to us,” Aliyev said, referring to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, as “Iravan” and Lake Sevan as “Lake Goycha.” He introduced the “Concept of Return,” under which Azerbaijanis will be settled in Armenia to “return to our historic lands.” “Armenia was never present in this region before. Present-day Armenia is our land,” Aliyev said.
This pseudo-Turkish Azerbaijani mutt Aliyev himself, as well as the entire world, knows he is talking nonsense because all his anti-Armenian rhetoric is for internal consumption. The history of the region was written long before he and undesirable fascists like him came along. This is his way of hanging onto power. He needs to make Armenia and the conflict with the Armenians the focus of his hateful speech and the center of his politically and historically ignorant gullible population’s attention in order to redirect their focus from himself and his corrupt family onto the Armenians to survive and to continue to rule. I wonder why he has never spoken these very same words to world leaders and in an international arena. How come his words are quite measured when he is in the company of world leaders and conducts himself in the exact opposite manner when he is among his own preaching the hatred of the Armenians to them? Because he knows he can get away with it when he is shoveling his nonsense to his obedient and illiterate population. His anti-Armenian nonsense is what they have been fed all their lives without any challenge. This is the same LIAR whose corrupt family has been running this terrorist cesspool since the 1960s and when asked how this is possible he claims because they have not had any opposition! He is right about that because the opposition is either silenced and behind bars or dead.
He has given several speeches at the UN and he has been in the company of Americans and European leaders, with and without the presence of the Armenian leadership, and he has never once uttered those words to them. And why is that the case? Because he knows he can’t speak those empty self-serving fabricated words to them who, unlike his institutionally brainwashed population, know the history of Armenia and the region very well and they will not only laugh at him but that they would embarrass and humiliate him with facts. Aliyev is a notorious opportunist and a LIAR and has an utter disrespect for anything and everything Armenian. I’m convinced this comes from his deep inner fear of the Armenians as well as the humiliation his late father suffered at the hands of the Armenian victors in front of his eyes. He and his artificial state have already felt the united power of the Armenians on their skins. If he can’t make them submit to his demands he feels the need to denigrate them. He has this sick obsession to make our people look insignificant, even though he knows we are a force to reckon with, in order to fill his empty ego and look tough. This is the same coward who, at his ripe military age, skipped town and went into hiding when duty called back in 1990s Armenian Liberation War. Did they not have clown uniforms he could put on and shake his finger at the Armenians back then, like a dog wagging its tail, like he does now with pockets full of petrodollars with which he has bribed and paid for everything he thinks he has acquired these days?
If we Armenians had done to them what they and their criminal collaborators have done to our people over the years, depopulating our native lands by force and mass murder and populating them with their own, we also could make similar claims like this double agent Aliyev the pseudo-Turkish clown does. We must not remain silent and ignore this fool and instead we must hit back at with facts exposing his empty rants and raves and make him look like an insignificant psychopathic lunatic that he is!
Where was the world when armenians were attacked in kazakhstan and uzbekistan during artsakh war armenians forced to flee by russians to central asian turkic states today they are most discriminated groups in these turkic states why minority rights doesnt work for our armos there while europe west buy natural resources of azeris and kazakhs turkmen oil turkish products armenians pay heavy price is this really free world ?