WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Senate struck a historic blow today against Turkey’s century-long obstruction of justice for the Armenian Genocide, unanimously adopting S.Res.150, an Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)-backed measure that locks in ongoing U.S. recognition of this crime.
The resolution, identical to a measure (H.Res.296) adopted 405 to 11 in the U.S. House in October, officially rejects Turkey’s denials of its genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites and other Christian nations. Passage of the resolution – spearheaded by Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) – marks the first time that the Senate has recognized the Armenian Genocide.
“The Senate today joined the House in rejecting Ankara’s gag-rule against honest American remembrance of the Armenian Genocide – overriding the largest, longest foreign veto over the U.S. Congress in American history,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “Today’s unanimous Senate action shines a spotlight on the President, who continues – against all reason – to enforce Erdogan’s veto against honest American remembrance of Turkey’s extermination and exile of millions of Christians. It’s time for the Executive Branch to join Congress in ending any and all American complicity in Ankara’s lies. Together, the President and Congress should put in place a sustained and pro-active policy that rejects Turkey’s lies, challenges Ankara’s obstruction of justice, and works with Armenian and Turkish stakeholders toward the international reparations and other remedies required of this crime.”
The Armenian Genocide Resolution (S.Res.150) establishes, as a matter of U.S. policy, 1) the rejection of Armenian Genocide denial, 2) ongoing official U.S. government recognition and remembrance of this crime, and 3) support for education about the Armenian Genocide in order to help prevent modern-day atrocities.
The ANCA has consistently pushed back against Turkey’s denials, striving to put America on the right side of the Armenian Genocide. Thousands of letters and phone calls have already been sent to Congress by Armenian American advocates through the ANCA online portal.
Great news!
The best Christmas present of all.
Now, we get to see Trump squirm when he’s
asked to sign it-will he sign it?
Thanks to all who supported it and to Senators
Menendez and Cruz who (somehow) accomplished
it despite the shameful obstruction by Lindsey Graham.
A beautiful example of bi-partisan co-operation and
Update: The Bill is passed and doesn’t require the Presidents
It’s non-binding, so no real reason to sign it
Vahe, sounds like it’s a ‘perfect’ call for Trump….
A long awaited acknowledgement from the US who for far too long have deferred to Turkish politicians who insist on replacing fact based history- the programmatic slaughter of an ethnic group- with their dishonest narrative that the murder and starvation of Armenians was anything but what it was.
Thank you to the U.S. Congress for formally recognizing the truth.
This has taken to long to get this passed. I am very thankful to Senator’s Menendez & Cruz for standing up for the Armenian Genocide resolution. As a New Jersey conservative Republican I want to especially thank Senator Menendez for his unwavering support for the Armenians.
Don’t cry for me US Congress I don’t need your pseudo pity.
Its about time that the Turkish autorities have admitted the killing of one and a half armenians.My father fled out of Diarbakir,to Aleppo Syria.